Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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Gen Z Feels Left Out of Biden’s Debt Relief Plan

A picture depicting student debt
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Gen Z Feels Left Out of Biden’s Debt Relief Plan

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President Joe Biden relieved about 4 million Americans of nearly $144 billion in student loan debt. No matter where you stand on the political spectrum, this was the most recent move from a president who will be known for waiving student loan debt. 

Nevertheless, it seems as though nearly all 4 million of those Americans are millennials. President Biden has excluded Gen Z.

The Gen Z Generation

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Gen Z are born between 1997 and 2012. Many of them joined the workforce just as the pandemic turned businesses upside down and changed the workplace ethos to one of remote labor, meaning they graduated in an unstable job market.

In addition, tuition fees have been high, especially in the Gen Z era. In the 2021 to 2022 academic year, the average annual cost of college tuition and fees at a four-year institution was $19,806 per year.

Millennials Were Prioritized

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Gen Z will be between 12 and 27 in 2024, so they will either be approaching college, enrolled in school right now, or recent graduates. Therefore, even though fewer Gen Zers have student loan debt than Millennials, on average, they have a higher percentage of debt. 

President Biden’s determination to relieve the 35 million people is encouraging. Also, more than half of the Millennials in the US have college debt. 

Biden Overcomes an Obstacle

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The revised program will be the closest Biden can come to his original idea, given the conservative obstacles he must overcome, including the U.S. Supreme Court’s verdict against him.

The forgiveness covers various borrower categories, including those who have been in default on their debts for more than 20 years, those who pay interest on their debt and earn less than $120,000 annually, and those in dire need of money.


ALSO READ: Biden Announces $6.1 Billion Student Debt Forgiveness for Art Students

The President's Forgiveness Is Incredible

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Biden’s forgiveness of this obligation is wonderful. Compared to previous generations, current college graduates are burdened with greater debt after school. 

The good days of using summer employment or the first few paychecks after graduation to pay off student loans are greatly forgotten. Biden’s government is conscious of the system’s differences from decades earlier.

Biden Took to His Words

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President Biden should be appreciated for his initiatives to assist Millennial borrowers in escaping crippling student loan debt that went beyond simply catering to their increased numbers. 

President Biden promised during his campaign to eradicate student debt, as Americans were not happy with the loan system. He promised to relieve pupils of their loans from 20 years ago, as they were deceived by for-profit colleges. 


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The Institution Shuts Down

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Following allegations of fraud, the institution shut down its campuses. However, forgiveness is available to all former students of The Art Institutes between 2004 and 2017. However, not all of Biden’s efforts to eliminate student loan debt have been successful. 

The Supreme Court first overturned Biden’s administration’s approval of student loan forgiveness of $430 billion in previous years. 

Graduates Find It Difficult to Get Jobs

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Based on American history, a college degree has nearly always been associated with the assurance of a stable career following graduation. However, that isn’t the case anymore. 

The workforce is unpredictable. Few job opportunities are available for Gen Z as employers now adopt AI instead of paying for labor.

Gen Z Pay Higher Tuition Fee

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A growing number of businesses that formerly only considered candidates with College degrees are now welcoming those without advanced degrees. 

Also, studying a four-year university course costs about $19,806, which means Gen Zers paid more for education than any other generation. This implies that their debts after graduation will be higher than those of their predecessors. 


ALSO READ: President Biden Set to Discuss New Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

Negative Effect

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The academic loan is given based on race. Black or Latino students have higher debt levels if they request the loan than white students. 

Also, taking student loans can negatively affect student lives. If students find it difficult to repay, they may experience major setbacks, which can reduce their self-esteem among their peers.

Introducing SAVE

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SAVE is a plan to assist students in paying back their loans conveniently. The old debts are forgiven, but a new payment plan has been introduced. The borrowers pay back a certain percentage and amount based on their income, which could be monthly. 

However, Gen Z students’ debt will be reduced every month. This is also part of the newly introduced option known as SAVE. It does not result in total loan forgiveness.

Valid Information to Gen Z

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It is not promised that Gen Z will be opportune to experience loan forgiveness just as the millennials do, so they should make plans for their loan repayment. Alex Beene informs Gen Z. 

Beene is an instructor at the University of Tennessee. He added that students who refuse to pay back the loan will eventually have their credit scores affected.

Gen Z Awaits Their Debt Relief

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Gen Z might not be privileged to access the loan relief, or they might have to wait for a decade or more before they get a forgiveness benefit. 

However, it is advised that they should proceed cautiously and continue to make their monthly payments.


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