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Truckers Show Support for Trump, Boycott NYC Amid $355 Million Civil Fraud Ruling

Truckers Show Support for Trump, Boycott NYC Amid $355 Million Civil Fraud Ruling
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Truckers Show Support for Trump, Boycott NYC Amid $355 Million Civil Fraud Ruling

Source: India Today/YouTube

A group of truck drivers supporting Trump has decided to avoid traveling to New York City. Their action protests the recent civil fraud verdict that fined the former US President $355 million.

The ruling triggered several responses among his supporters, including those within the trucking community. Now, the truckers have decided to stop delivering goods to New York City.

Trump Praised the Truckers

Source: Trump White House Archived/YouTube

In response, the former president praised the truckers’ solidarity. Describing the truckers as “great patriots,” Trump took to his social media platform Truth Social to show his appreciation.
He stated that it is an “honor” to have them supporting the cause of freedom. “Joe Biden’s Unfair and Dangerous Weaponization of Law Enforcement is a Serious Threat to Democracy. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” he added.

Where it All Began

Source: AskMoeAiHeKnow/YouTube

According to The New York Post, the boycott was instigated by a truck driver known on social media as “Chicago1Ray.” He urged fellow truckers to refuse shipments routed for New York City as a way of protest.
“I’ve been on the radio talking to drivers for about the past hour, and I’ve talked to about ten drivers, and they’re going to start refusing loads to New York City starting on Monday,” Ray said in the video from inside his truck.

The Trucking Community Responded

Source: ChicagoRay1/X

He said some drivers in his network had informed their employers that they would not be making deliveries to the UK. “I don’t know how far across the country this is or how many truckers are going to start denying loads going to New York City, but I’ll tell you what you f–k around and find out,” Ray said. 
The trucker said their bosses “ain’t gonna care if we deny the loads, we’ll just go somewhere else.”

He Believed the Judge Was Unfair

Source: CUNYQueensBorough/YouTube

Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron ruled that Trump must pay a hefty fine of $355 million. The ruling comes after Trump was found to have inflated his net worth by billions over a decade to secure favorable bank loans.
Ray’s call to action arose from his allegiance to Trump and his conviction that the verdict was unjust. “I stand with Trump bc Trump stands with me. Truckers for Trump ain’t just a slogan, it’s real,” Ray stated on X.

The Ground for the Ruling

Source: NBC News/YouTube

According to Fox News, the legal verdict against Trump, his family, and the Trump Organization was rooted in allegations of asset inflation and fraud. New York Attorney General Letitia James initiated the lawsuit, which commenced in October. 
After the trial, Judge Engoron held Trump accountable for damages to the tune of  $350 million. This ruling has clearly hit a nerve with his supporters.

Trump Supporters Showed Him Solidarity

Source: CBC News/YouTube

The boycott has gained significant backing on various social media platforms. Chicago Ray’s messages on platforms like X, advocating for the boycott and showing solidarity with Trump, have gathered online attention and support.
`According to Fox News, “Thank you for being a true Patriot! If all of us patriots stand up, we will make a difference,” commented one user.

The Resulting Impact of the Boycott

Source: Volvo Trucks/YouTube

Fox News acknowledges that the full extent of the boycott’s impact on New York City’s supply chain has yet to be determined. Truckers are important in delivering goods to the city, and a widespread refusal to transport shipments could lead to large consequences.
Chicago Ray’s message shows a firm commitment among certain truckers to support Trump. This is regardless of whether it means disregarding the potential impact on their routes or deliveries.

Other Notable People Joined the Protest

Source: Grant Cardone/YouTube

Chicago Ray isn’t the only personality showing solidarity with Trump following the fraud ruling. According to Fox News, Elena and her husband, real estate investor Grant Cardone, have joined, too.
They took the initiative by launching a GoFundMe page titled “Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment.” This effort is to help Trump financially, showing how strong some people’s support for him is.

Grant Explained the Initiative

Source: Anton Stetner/YouTube

Grant Cardone, on GoFundMe, said he stood firmly with Trump against what he saw as unfair treatment by some in New York. “I stand unwaveringly with President Donald Trump in the face of what I see as unprecedented and unfair treatment by certain judicial elements in New York.”
Many of Trump’s supporters believe the legal challenges against him are unfair attacks driven by politics, not genuine legal proceedings.

The Support for Trump is Immense`

Source: Bonehead Truckers/YouTube

The boycott call has struck a chord with numerous truckers and Trump backers, as evidenced by the engagement with Chicago Ray’s social media posts. According to The New York Post, one of his posts stated that 95% of truckers support the former president, which gained over 4.6 million views.
It also received more than 50,000 likes. This shows broad solidarity within the trucking community.

The General Public Has Reacted to the Boycott

Source: Jay Sekulow/X

Many people have shown strong support for the truckers’ stance, with one person saying, “Do it! Let us know how we can help! You’re NOT alone in this fight!” Another simply stated, “We stand with the truckers,” according to The New York Post.
Trump and his supporters, including Chicago Ray, have criticized the fraud investigation and the resulting ruling as a type of “election interference.”

Was the Ruling Political?

Source: Bonehead Truckers/youTube

At a rally, Trump hinted that the ruling could trigger wider consequences for New York City. He suggests that other businesses might depart the city due to what they see as a politically driven assault. 
This narrative has become a rallying point for his supporters, who regard the legal actions against him as unfair and symbolic of a larger conflict.