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South Dakota Enacts Policy Banning Gender Pronouns From Official University Emails 

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South Dakota Enacts Policy Banning Gender Pronouns From Official University Emails

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South Dakota recently passed a policy banning the use of gender pronouns in university emails, a decision that has been applauded by some and criticized by others.

The policy was implemented on January 1, 2024, to encourage the staff and students to reduce the use of partisan and oppressive language on the campus.

The Goal of the Policy

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A Board of Regents policy in South Dakota forbids teachers and staff at public universities from using gender pronouns and mentioning their tribal membership in their formal email signatures.

This regulation aims to standardize email correspondence among public universities, which will affect staff members’ capacity to display personal identification markers in work environments.

Understanding What the Policy Involves

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Under a new policy, university employees and students may not use gender-specific language in official emails, such as ‘he,’ ‘she,’ ‘him,’ or ‘her. ‘

Instead, they are advised to either avoid gendered language or else rarely use pronouns at all.

The Governor’s Influence

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The board describes the policy as a straightforward branding and communications guideline. Just a few months prior, Republican governor Kristi Noem had written to the regents denouncing “liberal ideologies” on college campuses.

She urged the board to outlaw drag performances on campus and “remove all references to preferred pronouns in school materials,” among other things.

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The Public Reactions to the Policy

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There has been strong opposition to the decision to impose this email signature regulation, especially because of how it may affect academic freedom and free speech.

The policy is perceived as a response to the emerging conversation about gender identity and pronouns in government agencies. More people claiming non-binary, genderqueer, or gender-fluid identities necessitate the usage of more gender-inclusive language.

Fears of the Effect on Students’ Activities

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Some people would like to be more satisfied with this decision. However, other students and faculty members have also raised what could be seen as plausible negative externalities, including the effects on student life and relationships.

“How are we supposed to build connections with each other if we can’t even use each other’s names?” a student said when one of the participants failed to call her by her name.

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Supporters' Reactions

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Supporters of the policy believe that it is beneficial since it contributes towards creating a politically correct environment on the campus.

Without gender-specific pronouns, students and employees do not have to stress gender while attempting to get to know each other or make new friends based on commonalities.


Lack of Choice Defended by Critics

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Critics argue that the policy erodes individual autonomy or choice. For this reason, some students and most faculty members think that they should be allowed to decide which pronouns they prefer to use without limitation.

Thus, the policy is viewed as a further sign that the cultural perception of gender identity is evolving. Due to cultural shifts, society has started to embrace people whose gender is nonbinary, and institutions such as universities must evolve to cater to this category.

Something for Other States To Embark On?

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If successful, it may set a precedent for establishing improved language politics for minorities within the country. The policy aims to make the environment conducive for all people, but there are also implications when an entity fails to conform.

Failing to adhere to the new policy can result in disciplinary measures or even termination by the university employers.

Policy Implementation

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To implement the policy, there remains a thin line between addressing the need to increase the proportion of diverse representation and allowing freedom in choosing the makeup of the team. Hence, one can only wonder about its effectiveness in achieving its goals.

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Monitoring Progress

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University officials will observe the policy’s effects in the coming months. They will monitor cases of non-compliance and collect student and faculty feedback.

Campus communication has increasingly become an important focus in institutions as the rapidly advancing technological innovations transform the learning environment.

Bringing About Change

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After the dust settles on this new policy, the world of campus communication will never be the same. Recent discussions on gender pronouns have, therefore, highlighted how issues of appropriate language use are important in as many aspects of life as one can imagine.

Adapting With Time

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Although the new policy has not received favorable reactions from everyone, it can be explained as progressive regarding the issues of diversity and minorities on the campus.

One possible reason for the need to develop responsive and sensitive policies to the new social environment is that society is gradually changing its perception of gender. Only time will determine whether South Dakota has followed the proper steps in policymaking or if its policy is a failure.

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