Friday, July 26, 2024
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How Simple Common Food Items Can Take the Funky Smells Off Your Shoes 

How Simple Common Food Items Can Take the Funky Smells Off Your Shoes 

How Simple Common Food Items Can Take the Funky Smells Off Your Shoes

Source: Quora/ Pinterest

Have you ever been embarrassed by a smelling shoe? It’s the kind of experience almost every one of us has had. Many times, it ruins a first impression and makes you lose potential friends.
Thankfully, experts have shown us a way out. Now, you can easily take that funny smell off your shoes using natural and everyday items with the tips they have provided.

Why Do Shoes Smell?

Source: Quora

You’ve probably already noticed that your shoe begins to smell after certain situations or activities. We’ve compiled a list of those scenarios so you can address them as quickly as possible.
Common causes of smelly shoes include sweat, shedding of skin, overuse, bacteria, fungus, and dirt. Even a shortage of air circulation can lead to bad odors from your favorite footwear.

Which Shoes Are More Likely to Smell?

Source: Quora

One of the best pieces of advice for curbing smelly shoes is to rotate your footwear as much as possible. It’s also important to know what kinds of shoes are more prone to smell.
Shoes made from synthetic materials are the usual suspects in this case. They don’t allow for as much air circulation as their more natural counterparts and so, will smell more frequently.

The Tea Bag Hack

Source: Quora

A TikTok video has shown millions of people how to get rid of those annoying shoe stains without stress. Armenian native, Armen Adamjan with the username @creative_explained showed how tea bags can drive out the smell from shoes.
It’s easy. Just place tea bags in each shoe overnight and return to witness the miracle. “Boom!” he said. “The odor will be gone.”

A Popular News Organization Tried Out the Hack

Source: Quora

A popular media house has put this tea bag suggestion to the test. According to one of their representatives, unused tea bags contain absorbent capabilities and can “soak up” moisture.
The media house’s tester declared after conducting the test that, “The tea bag trick will add fragrance to your shoes but it won’t remove the underlying odor.” Nevertheless, many agree that introducing a pleasant smell is one way to drive out an unpleasant one.

Socks Also Contribute to Smelly Shoes

Source: Quora

In case you’ve not yet noticed, socks play a big role in producing odors in shoes by housing the bacteria that produce the smell in shoes. As such, taking care of them will go a long way in avoiding stinky footwear.
For example, never use your socks for too long before changing them. Prolonged use encourages the growth of bacteria. In addition, avoid wearing cotton socks for work as they absorb more moisture than other materials.

Clean Your Shoes With Potatoes

Source: Quora

Adamjan also revealed how we can clean our shoes with potatoes. “Did you know if you grab a potato and slice a little piece of it like this, you can use it to clean your shoes?” he asked.
He then rubbed a piece of sliced potato gently against the shoe before displaying the result. After this, the shoe looked much cleaner than before. Likewise, other websites have acknowledged that the hack works, as potato juice possesses natural cleaning properties.

Bananas Can Shine Your Shoes

Source: Pinterest

He wasn’t done yet. Adamjan moved over to bananas, declaring that you can use the fruit to shine your shoe. “Use the inside of the banana peel to get your shoes to shine,” he advised. “I mean, look at that shine!”
For those who know much about bananas, the reason this hack could work is because the fruit is rich in potassium, which is a primary rejuvenating component of shoe polish.

Natural Products Are Underrated

Source: Quora

Adamjan’s video brings to the fore, the power of natural products and remedies. He advised his viewers to consider natural products for their cleaning.
Natural products are not only highly effective but generally non-toxic. They are safer for both the household and the environment. Besides preserving your possessions, organic materials are by far the cheaper alternative too. These products do more for us than we give them credit for.

You Can Dry Wet Shoes in a Dryer

Source: Quora

The tiktoker also mentioned that you can dry your wet shoes inside a dryer. “Just place your shoes in the dryer with those shoe laces sticking out,” he explained. Your shoes should have lost all the moisture in 5 minutes.
However, ensure that you don’t do this too often or too severely to avoid damaging your shoes. It’s good to reserve this hack for emergencies only.

The Video Enjoyed Lots of Views

Source: Quora

Adamjan’s video attracted lots of attention and viewership on the internet. Within just about two days of the video surfacing on the social media site, it had racked up more than 120,000 views.
The video which lasted for just 40 seconds provided some valuable education to many homes. Your shoes will be grateful for these new and natural treatments.

Many Viewers Were Excited

Source: Quora

The video also attracted loads of comments from excited viewers. Some appreciated Adamjan for providing the hacks while others praised the new ideas.
“Tea bags in stinky shoes does work,” a viewer commented. “Finally, something I can use,” another viewer said. One comment took things to the lighter side, stating “Don’t drink tea at Armen’s house…uh, he doesn’t throw anything away.”