Monday, September 16, 2024
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Texas Universities Cut Over 300 Jobs Amid Abbott’s DEI Ban

Texas Universities Cut Over 300 Jobs Amid Abbott’s DEI Ban
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Texas Universities Cut Over 300 Jobs Amid Abbott’s DEI Ban

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Over the past couple of months, several states and universities have banned DEI programs. This has also led to job losses in several states, including Texas.

Texas’ DEI Ban

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Texas and Florida are two Republican-led states that have been very vocal about opposing Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) programs and policies. Therefore, it was no surprise when Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a law banning DEI in universities last year. However, this law has caused the loss of over three hundred jobs in the Lone Star State.

Hundreds of Jobs Lost

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The governor’s new anti-DEI law was enacted at the beginning of this year on January 1. Since then, the universities and colleges in Texas have let go of 311 full and part-time employees in DEI-related jobs. The University of Texas and its college campuses also canceled about 681 programs and contracts that were dedicated to DEI. This happened across five health facilities and nine different academic higher institutions. 

The Implementation

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These surprising numbers were revealed during the Texas Senate subcommittee hearing when they met to discuss higher education. The subcommittee asked many educational leaders, including the University of Texas Systems Chancellor James B. Milliken, to testify. They also asked the leaders how they are engorging the new law in their schools and its progress so far. 

ALSO READ: University of North Carolina Scraps DEI Programs, Allocates Millions to Campus Police

Tackling Issues

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In addition, the subcommittee asked the educational leaders about how they were tackling other issues that have become prominent over the past couple of months. A major highlight among most schools is the rise of pro-Palestine protests and a rise in antisemitism. States across the country, including Texas, have been experiencing protests on campuses, which have led to police intervention many times over. 

Fighting Against DEI

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This hearing with the Texas Senate Subcommittee was one of the first times Texas residents had a chance to learn how Abbott’s ban had been implemented. However, many Republican lawmakers are worried about its long-term implementation, as they believe that the universities will find a loophole or a way around the governor’s bill, SB 17. 

Republicans Are Concerned

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One Republican Senator, Brandon Creighton, recently expressed his deep concern regarding the universities finding a way around the DEI ban. He notes that he was impressed by how the institutions have implemented the new law but was deeply concerned that it might not last long. He believes that they could simply rename the titles of DEI employees and their offices to bypass the law. 

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Texas Universities’ Following the Law

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However, the universities seem to follow the law exactly as the government wants them to. During the hearing, the subcommittee asked Milliken and his other state colleagues to show them how they implemented the new bill. Milliken also said that even those who dislike the legislation must follow it because it is the law. 

Why Are Texas Republicans Against DEI?

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For years, Republicans in Texas have been fighting against DEI practices and programs in the state. They consider it a woke agenda and believe that it has no good influence on Texans. However, they are not the only ones who feel this way. Republicans nationwide majorly oppose DEI practices, and lawmakers have been pushing for bans in their states. 

Republicans Against DEI for Years

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This fight between Republicans and DEI policies has become more serious over the years. In the U.S.’ last legislative session, Republicans pushed to introduce or pass more than 100 bills in 30 states that aim to either regulate or eliminate DEI practices. Texas is one of the few states with a total ban on the practice of DEI, and it has the strictest laws against DEI. 

ALSO READ: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Law Removing DEI From Teacher’s Program

Democratic Support DEI

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On the other hand, Democrats are avid supporters of these DEI policies and programs. While the Republican lawmakers have been trying to fight against DEI, Democrats are supporting it fully and making lives in that regard. In Democrat-led states, their lawmakers have put more laws in place to support DEI and ensure that those who need special help will get it when needed. 

DEI’S Supporters

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While the Republicans strongly oppose DEI, there are many more who support it. Most university campuses and their students support DEI practices and programs. Most of them are not opposed to DEI as it helps to represent every American and not just a particular majority. They also noted that DEI helps to make schooling equal for people from all walks of life.

Texas’ Divided Opinions

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While Texas has already passed its ban, it hasn’t stopped people from expressing their opinions. Some students and regular citizens are strongly against DEI bans. For example, over 200 students protested against the closure of the Division of Campus and Community Engagement office at the University of Austin, which resulted in the loss of almost 60 workers. 

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