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HomeNewsFormer CNN Reporter Opens Up About Dinner With Closeted Trump Supporter

Former CNN Reporter Opens Up About Dinner With Closeted Trump Supporter

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A picture of Michelle Kosinski
Source: Pinterest

In a Sunday social media post, former CNN reporter Michelle Kosinski discussed a dinner she attended and her encounter with a group of secret Trump supporters.

According to her, they all sounded well-educated and successful and were very lovable on a surface level. Everything was great for about an hour till they began letting their true natures slip after a few drinks.

According to Kosinski, one couple was against letting their children go to an Ivy League university. When asked for the reason behind the decision, they did not give any reasonable explanation. Additionally, the others who discussed climate change made use of air quotes during the conversation. 

Kosinski shifted her focus from the recent demonstrations against the Gaza crisis to a discussion unrelated to the initial topic. The former Senior Diplomatic Correspondent implied that Trump supporters lack intelligence.

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Recalling her fellow diners, the journalist noted that they did not want to discuss politics. Additionally, they realized that she and her friends would have destroyed their point, especially on economic-related topics.

She said that it was amusing how radical and incorrect views would always come out, even from unexpected sources and at unexpected times. “This dinner still haunts me.” Everyone appeared so… ordinary.”

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Many quickly made fun of the story, highlighting the political writer’s unwillingness to acknowledge other schools of thought as genuine and her need to avoid interacting with people who held certain opinions. 

Others focused on the vocal progressive’s seeming intention to subject Trump supporters to a reeducation procedure popularized by regimes. In what way will the truth ever force people to think differently?

Not realizing that her description of Joe Biden voting for career fraudsters who are willing to lie tens of thousands of times, sexually abuse women, and steal” was spot on. Without a trace of irony, Kosinski told X user that patriotic Americans shouldn’t support those individuals.

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Remarkably, Kosinski is the same phony news anchor who went viral with jokes about her reporting from a row boat during the New Jersey floods on NBC’s Today Show. She exaggerated the flood’s depth, but two men showed it was only ankle-deep.

She may be seen chatting about her husband and the Obamas in a post from December 2016 while she worked as CNN’s White House correspondent. With 65.5K followers on X, Kosinski—who was most recently the host of a left-leaning podcast—regularly posts stuff critical of Trump to her followers. 

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