Sunday, September 8, 2024
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No One Can Afford These Items Anymore As Inflation Hits a Record High

No One Can Afford These Items Anymore As Inflation Hits a Record High

No one Can Afford These Items Anymore As Inflation Hits a Record High

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Money management is a critical part of adulthood, and in recent years, more Americans have had to learn it thanks to the high rate of inflation that has beset the country. Nowadays, everything is on the pricey side, forcing citizens to be very picky about what they spend their money on.

The items we are about to discuss have become so expensive that the average American would boycott them.

Streaming Services

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At their onset, most streaming services were affordable, but there were only a few of them. The cheapness compared to the quality of satisfaction they provided was a great lure, leading many Americans to get in, but things have changed. Many now find themselves between a rock and a hard place as the streaming services have become too numerous, and the prices continue to increase.

Cable Television

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People started opting for Netflix subscriptions when they realized the traditional alternative, cable TV, was becoming too expensive. Streaming services like Netflix have increased their rates, but the average American can still afford them. The same cannot be said for cable, so many prefer to forego it to save some extra money.


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Americans enjoy traveling, but the activity can be draining financially, especially considering the cost of hotels today. In the past, people would hole up in Airbnb because it was easier on their pockets, but that is no longer the case. These facilities have increased prices, forcing people to stay away from them altogether. After all, if an Airbnb costs as much as a hotel room, there’s no sense in going for it.

Junk Food

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In the past, junk food was very cheap and accessible regardless of your financial status. Americans enjoyed that cheapness for many years, but not anymore. These days, junk food prices have risen, and this has forced many average Americans to opt for a healthier choice. Of course, this is not entirely bad, after all junk food isn’t the best for your body.

Fast Food

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Inflation has affected the prices of cooking ingredients, and those used in making fast food have not been spared. As a result, many eateries have increased their prices, making it harder for the average American to be able to afford them. Rather than waste money on such foods, many have chosen to cook their food — a much healthier alternative.

Food Delivery Service

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Humans have gotten busier in recent times. Many would instead order out and have their food delivered to them rather than go out to eat because it used to be cheap, but now, thanks to Inflation, even food delivery is no longer affordable for many. To deal with this, Frugal Americans now go out to get their food rather than depend on services like Uber Eats.


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Cereals are a staple in the American household, but their prices have started to change because of the increase in price. Many simply cannot come to terms with spending nearly $7 on one cereal box and have been avoiding it. One alternative some have been exploring is purchasing store-brand cereal bags, which are often cheaper. 

A New Vehicle

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Buying a new car can be challenging to pull off. It was not easy in the past, but anyone with enough grit to save could eventually afford one. Now, car prices have increased by leaps and bounds, meaning fewer people can afford them.

Concert Tickets

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Americans love their stars and would often pay to see them perform, but these days, concert tickets have become unaffordable for the average citizen. This, coupled with the fact that attending a concert will consume additional expenses, has caused many to become content with seeing their favorite stars on TV or the internet instead.


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Going to college has never been easy for Americans, but it’s gotten worse. Tuition fees are at an all-time high, forcing many to forgo their dreams of getting a degree. Gone are the days when citizens were comfortable taking on debt in the form of a student loan to achieve this dream, as paying back is harder now with Inflation breathing down their backs. 

Health Insurance

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Many people have chosen to skip out on health insurance because it has become too costly. The government has made attempts to make it more affordable and accessible, but the number of Americans who can afford it is still too low.