Thursday, October 24, 2024
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Another Red State Set To Enact Texas-Style Anti-Illegal Immigration Law

Another Red State Set To Enact Texas-Style Anti-Illegal Immigration Law
Source: Fox 5 New York/YouTube

Another Red State Set To Enact Texas-Style Anti-Illegal Immigration Law

Source: KXAN/YouTube

Following Texas’s lead, another conservative-leaning state is getting ready to pass its own strict law against illegal immigration. In Louisiana, a bill inspired by Texas’ anti-illegal immigration law is making its way through the state legislature.
If passed, it would allow local police to arrest individuals they suspect of being illegal immigrants. Similar bills are being considered in other state capitals. This shows that more states are taking action on immigration because they feel the federal government isn’t doing enough.

The Senate Bill 388

Source: NBC News/YouTube

Senate Bill 388, proposed by Republican state Senator Valarie Hodges, creates a new offense for illegal immigrants who enter or re-enter the state after being deported.
Breaking this law could result in up to a year in prison and a fine of up to $4,000. This bill is one of Louisiana’s efforts to address illegal immigration more forcefully through legislation.

There Would be Collaborative Efforts

Source: AN17/YouTube

A critical aspect of SB 388 is that it allows Louisiana’s governor to form an interstate agreement with Texas.
Louisiana’s governor would have the authority to establish an interstate agreement with Texas to manage the “influx of illegal immigration, which poses a threat to the safety and security of Louisiana residents.”

There is Hope for Progress Through the Legislation

Source; WDSU News/YouTube

SB 388 has cleared a Senate committee and is expected to be approved by the Republican-dominated legislature and the governor.
Senator Hodges emphasized the importance of this bill. She pointed to the federal government’s failure to address border security as a major concern and argued that taking action at the state level is crucial to safeguarding the citizens of Louisiana.

The Republican Senator Criticized the Federal Immigration Policies

Source: Joe Biden/YouTube

“It’s something that I’ve been concerned about for several years,” she told Fox New Digital in an interview. “The fact that the federal government is not doing their job and they’re not protecting us.”
She pointed out the dangers of letting immigration go unchecked, especially mentioning concerns about drugs and people being trafficked.

She Compared the Situation

Source: Pexels

Hodges likened the situation to safeguarding one’s own home. “You don’t just let anybody come inside your house, and that’s what we’re doing at the border. We’re saying anybody and everybody come on in, and we’re finding out that there’s drug cartels, human trafficking cartels, trafficking children, women and men and boys with labor and sex trafficking,” she said.
She also noted the capture of MS-13 gang members and people on the terrorist screening database.

The Importance of Legal Immigration

Source: Pexels

The senator emphasized the significance of having a regulated immigration system in which people entering the country are properly checked and registered.
She argued that this approach is crucial for keeping Louisiana’s residents safe. Hodges supports legal ways for immigration, believing it helps prevent crime and keeps the state’s citizens protected.

Other Crimes Taking Place

Source: Pinterest

Hodges also mentioned several violent crimes, such as rapes, that have occurred in Louisiana. “We have an immigration policy that people can register, they should come here legally. We can vet them, we know who they are because we can’t protect people here in Louisiana unless we do that,” she said.
The move comes as Texas’ version of the law, signed in December, faces legal challenges from the Biden administration and is currently held up in the courts.

The Legal Challenges to Texas Immigration Law

Source: Insurance Tech Official/YouTube

Louisiana’s bill, inspired by Texas’ immigration law, is facing a similar situation. The Biden administration challenged Texas’ law, resulting in its temporary suspension by the courts. It briefly went into effect earlier this month but was once again blocked by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
This legal fight shows the contentious nature of state-level immigration laws and their potential clash with federal authority.

The Administration’s Defence

Source: President Joe Biden/Facebook

The administration argues that Texas law S.B. 4 interferes with the enforcement of immigration laws, which is a federal responsibility.
“S.B. 4 will not only make communities in Texas less safe, it will also burden law enforcement and sow chaos and confusion at our southern border. S.B. 4 is just another example of Republican officials politicizing the border while blocking real solutions,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement this month.

Louisiana is Not the Only State in this Fight

Source: Sky News/YouTube

Louisiana is not alone in its push for stricter immigration laws. States like Iowa, New Hampshire, Tennessee, and Oklahoma are also pursuing similar legislation.
This trend reflects an increasing dissatisfaction among states with how the federal government manages immigration and the strain of the border crisis on state resources.

The Effect on Border Crisis

The ongoing border crisis has strained states, impacting social services, public safety, and more. The Biden administration has proposed increased funding and immigration reform to tackle these issues.
However, some states argue that policies implemented during the administration have worsened the crisis. Sen. Hodges is confident about SB 388’s passage, pointing to states’ constitutional right to protect themselves against threats.

The Bottom Line

Source: Valarie Hodges /Facebook

Hodges believes that states have the right to step in if the federal government doesn’t secure the border. This highlights a fundamental conflict between state and federal responsibilities in immigration enforcement.
With Louisiana advancing SB 388, the debate over state participation in immigration enforcement continues. The legal battles over Texas’ law could affect similar legislation in other states.