The tough posture taken by Florida sheriffs in response to claims that progressive communities are making laws seen as beneficial to criminals, like doing away with bailouts and cutting down on imprisonment, has drawn notice lately.
New York native Sheriff Carmine Marceno has taken a firm stand against offenders who think they can carry out illegal operations within his authority. He issued a strong warning, saying he would hunt and capture them. The sheriff also criticized liberal communities for trying to play softball when it came to criminal activity.
“What I’m trying to say is really clear. If you think that committing crimes and indulging in illicit activities like poisoning is a good idea, you should avoid Lee County and the whole beautiful state of Florida.” “We are ready to find you, follow you, and make sure you are held legally responsible according to the law,” he said in a Fox News interview.
He also noted that people who have stronger left-wing political beliefs are moving to Florida from other states like New York and California for the safety and security that the Florida government has created.
ALSO READ: Florida Sheriff Tells Citizens to Shoot to Kill Home Invaders to “Save Taxpayers Money”
But the sheriff emphasized that even when their cities descended into lawlessness, they continued to endorse the same political representatives and their philosophy who turned blind eyes to the evil going on.
He added that the same people are considering moving away from California and New York. Yes, of course, they can. He said people visiting a state like Florida, which is renowned for its dedication to maintaining and upholding law and order, would have to change their preexisting views.
POLL—Do You Support Stricter Gun Control Laws and Assault Weapon Bans?
Leaving behind a chaotic place where people may steal, rob, pilfer, and use drugs in locations that are designated as safe havens. After that, you get upset with the adverse circumstances there and come here just to see the same pattern repeated.
The same action taken consistently produces the same results. Everyone is welcome here, but don’t think your lawless act will be allowed to wander the streets of Florida.
“Despite the possibility that not everyone may find it appealing, I often share this with others. I hope you have a good day if you like a more anarchic way of living. Please leave. Your presence here is unwanted; please return to your place of origin,” he said.
ALSO READ: Florida Set to Ban Homeless People From Sleeping on Public Property
Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd has drawn notice for his audacious remarks urging gun-owning citizens to act decisively against lawbreakers and offenders. The Florida sheriff said that he is really offended by the idea that the criminal justice system is prejudiced and that it is not real.
The Lee County sheriff urged voters who condone criminal behavior to desist from supporting him. He stated, “I frequently inform people that I am not the candidate they should back if they oppose my stance on law and order or our policy of incarcerating criminals. I would prefer that you don’t vote for me.”
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