In our ever-changing world, schools are like a second home for students. Sometimes, their teachers, counselors, or friends notice things their parents don’t know at home.
These could include details about their dating life, talents, or sexuality. So, what happens when a district asks teachers to “lie” to parents about any student’s secret gender transitions?
This is the case in the Escondido Union School District, which has multiple schools under it. One of these schools is Rincon Middle School, where two devout Christian teachers, Lori Ann West and Elizabeth Mirabelli, work.
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Therefore, these teachers are taking legal action against the district to fight against its gender policy. Mirabelli is a Roman Catholic, while West is a strong Christian, and both do not joke about their faith.
In the original complaint filed against the district in April, the suit said, “Public schools should never hide information from or lie to parents about a child’s mental health or personal circumstances.
Schools should never compel teachers to perpetrate such a deception. Yet, the Escondido Union School District has done just that. Once a child’s social transitioning has begun, EUSD elementary and middle school teachers must ensure that parents do not find out.”
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Furthermore, “If a suspicious parent asks a teacher about whether their child has socially transitioned at school, the teacher must simply respond that ‘the inquiry is outside of the scope of the intent of their interaction’ and that they can only discuss ”information regarding the student’s behavior as it relates to school, class rules, assignments, etc.”
Because of their reservations, both teachers requested religious accommodation from the district regarding parental notification for the transgender policy. However, they denied their requests.
In an interview with Fox News Digital, West said, “I just looked around the room. Is this real? This is really happening? This seems crazy. This seems like the school wants to take over to be the parent. And as a parent, I would not want that for my own children.”
In addition, she spoke about the consequences of violating this policy according to the district. “One of the things that also really bothered us was that there was a disciplinary part of this policy that if we didn’t follow it, we could possibly be written up, even leading to firing. And that was really where I was like, this is so wrong,” she said.
Both teachers are on administrative leave because they refused to accept this policy. According to their legal representatives, the Thomas More Society, “Both Mirabelli and West are being illegally prevented from returning to their classrooms, and both have been punitively targeted in retaliation for their whistleblower actions against the district.”
To West and Mirabelli, this is also a violation of their faith. West said, “I believe in the teachings of the Bible… We follow the laws in the Bible. And that’s a wonderful thing. And it seems like at my school, we have been put down for that.” This case is undoubtedly interesting, and soon, a side will emerge victorious.
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