A bill that reduces Pete Buttigieg’s tax-payer funded salary has just been passed. He is under fire… again.
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The long hand of justice has finally reached the men who stole an 18-carat golden toilet from a palace in southern England.
The 9/11 attacks happened over two decades ago but there are still some questions surrounding the incident and government’s involvement.
Mackenzie Scott is on a mission to help California battle its unaffordable housing problems, one donation at a time.
Researchers found shocking mysteries at Göbekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe in southeast Turkey. These findings are rewriting history.
Today’s younger generation have no idea how Saturday morning cartoons was a culture. ABC, CBS, and NBC were a great part of this culture.
A mysterious man set himself on fire just in front of McDonald’s restaurant. The police began investigation in order to solve this mystery.
Famous actress Goldie Hawn is one of those people who are convinced aliens are real, and she says she’s met them.
It’s the first time since 2010 that the record was broken. The proud father called the experience a “dumbfounding” one.
Recently, retails stores have seen an increase in shoplifting. Dollar Tree joins Walmart and Target in enforcing some anti-theft strategies.