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HomeGeneralPresident Wins Biggest Poll Lead Over Trump in Wisconsin

President Wins Biggest Poll Lead Over Trump in Wisconsin

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A picture of Pres. Biden and Former Pres. Trump
Source: Pinterest

Prior to the forthcoming presidential election in Nov a recent survey for the next President of the United States between President Biden and the GOP contender Trump, the outcome shows Biden with a win in a major location in Wisconsin. 

The survey in Quinnipiac, Wisconsin, shows President Joe winning with over 50% as against his contender with 44%. The result is derived from over one thousand four hundred and forty-seven registered participants.

The result indicates a slim win of 6% for Biden. In another analysis with the inclusion of other contenders, Biden chances is low as the votes are spread across the others also.

In response to this development, the news media has reached out to President Joe and Trump’s campaign administrator for statements. Coming up strong after six months, another statistic from a survey shows that Trump is gaining momentum in Arizona over Biden.

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Wisconsin played a major part in sealing President Joe’s victory in the 2020 election. The same was true for Trump’s 2016 election success. 

This year, Wisconsin will be intensely rallied for both candidates’ campaigns. The Quinnipiac survey data indicated that President Joe and Trump are at par with the involvement of other contenders. 

In addition to the survey, participants who indicated allegiance to Biden was 40%, while Trump got 39%, 12% for Robert Kennedy Jr., and 4% went to Jill Stein GP party REP, while 1% went to Cornel West. The survey lasted between May 2-6, with the statistics indicating an error level of at least 2.6%, all these factors being considered. 

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Emerson College’s 25-29 April survey results showed that Trump got 52% in Wisconsin, Biden 48%, and the inclusion of other contenders like Jill, West, and Kennedy saw Trump winning with 45% and Biden 40% from over one thousand participants. 

CBS’s April survey, which lasted from 19 to 25, indicated that 50% of participants went for Trump, 49% went for Biden, with a 1% margin for Trump. The GP party Rep Stein Jill’s inclusion in the CBS survey saw him gather 8%, while Trump had 48% and Biden 44%.

Another survey by Beacon Research in Wisconsin, which lasted between April 11 and 16, shows both GOP and Democratic contenders having it hot, with both parties receiving forty-eight percent of allegiance out of the one hundred and ninety-eight participants.

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ALSO READ: Donald Trump Evades Committing to Accept Wisconsin Election Results If He Loses in November

The level-up between Trump and Biden in Wisconsin and the Quinnipiac survey is a good move for Biden. However, the results look very close to Trump’s success, 1.5% ahead according to 538 surveys. 

In the 2016 election, former President Trump’s success in Wisconsin was by the margin of 1%. In 2020, President Joe took the state by 49.4% to top Trump’s 48.8%. Before 2016, Democrats had the upper hand in the success of the state, with over seven consecutive winning streaks.

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