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HomeGeneralThese American States Have the Most Homeless People in 2024

These American States Have the Most Homeless People in 2024

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A picture of a homeless person
Source: Pinterest

As the U.S. faces a migrant crisis, the country’s long-standing homelessness problem grows. Over half a million people experience homelessness in the U.S., with many residing in temporary shelters or uninhabitable city spaces. According to reports, the management problem exists for several reasons.

These include unemployment, low wages, poverty, and lack of affordable housing. Hence, since 2020, the homeless population has grown in 27 states, even doubling in some. A report ranked these states by the number of homeless individuals per 10,000 people.

According to the Annual Homeless Assessment Report, California, New York, Florida, and Washington had the most homeless people in 2022. The four states accounted for more than half of the nation’s homeless population, with 30% living in California alone.

Washington, D.C., had a higher homelessness rate than any state, with over 6.5 people experiencing homelessness per 1,000 residents. Meanwhile, according to the report, North Dakota, Wyoming, Mississippi, West Virginia, and South Dakota had the fewest homeless people.

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The five states are the base for less than 1% of the nation’s unhoused population. Consequently, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Illinois had the lowest rates of homelessness. However, a new report ranked the states with the most homeless in 2024.

While technically not a state, the District of Columbia reportedly has the most homeless population in 2024. The district has over 4,400 homeless people, with 1,257 chronically homeless. For every 10,000 people, the homeless rate is a stark 65.80. Hence, over 1,000 homeless people are living in family units, while 3,406 live alone.

Next is California, with a 43.70 homeless rate. The State’s homeless population is 171,521. However, over 57,700 are chronically homeless, making it the State with the largest homeless population in the United States. According to the report, about 25,538 homeless people live in family units, while a whopping 145,983 are solo individuals.

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Also, 9,500 of the total homeless population comprises unaccompanied youths. Coming in third place is Vermont, with a 43.10 homeless rate. The State has a 2,780 total homeless population comprising over 850 family units. Meanwhile, almost 400 people are chronically homeless.

With a 42.30 rate, Oregon takes the next spot. Almost 18,000 of the State’s population are homeless, of which 6,447 are chronically homeless. Also, the State has over a thousand unaccompanied youths and 1,460 veterans subjected to this devastation.

In addition, Hawaii comes in with 5,967 total homeless and a 41.40 rate. The State has nearly 1,500 chronically homeless people. Also, of the population, 1,488 homeless people exist in family units, while a whopping 4,479 live alone.

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Owing to its 37.70 homeless rate, the numbers in New York also look bad. The total homeless population is 74,178, with about 6,000 people being chronically homeless. Similarly, Washington has a 25,211 total homeless population.

For every 10,000 people, the homeless rate for the State is 32.60, with about 6,486 people living in family units. Maine takes the next spot with a 32.10 homeless rate and a 4,411 total homeless population.

Also, five hundred people in the Pine Tree State are chronically homeless. Alaska, on the other hand, suffers from a 31.70 homeless rate, with 576 people experiencing chronic homelessness. Out of a total homeless population of 2,320, 560 are family units.

Other states on the list include Nevada with a 24.20 homelessness rate, Delaware, with 23.60, and Massachusetts with 22.20. However, Virginia, Alabama, Illinois, South Carolina, and Mississippi have the lowest homelessness rates. They have 7.60, 7.40, 7.30, 7.00, and 4.10 homelessness rates, respectively.

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