Tyler Perry’s latest release, “Mea Culpa,” is getting a lot of hot lashes from viewers and critics alike. The legal thriller film features the beautiful Kelly Rowland, who plays the lead as a criminal defense attorney. She agreed to represent an artist (Trevante Rhodes) who is accused of murdering his girlfriend.
However, the film takes a strange twist when she decides to become sexually involved with the artist. Alongside Rowland and Rhodes, the movie also stars Nick Sagar, Sean Sagar, RonReaco Lee, Shannon Thornton, and Kerry O’Malley. Tyler Perry also wrote, directed, and produced the movie, which he released for streaming on Netflix earlier this week.
In “Mea Culpa,” Rowland was married, and Rhodes was a sex addict artist. Therefore, one would think this made for a great plot that would keep fans hooked. Sadly, this was not the case. Many viewers and critics have had really poor reviews of the movie so far.
On Rotten Tomatoes, it got a ridiculously low score of just 21 percent on the review website. This is quite low for a movie with such huge stars in it. Furthermore, it also indicates that less than one-fifth of the critics who watched it gave it a positive review.
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On IMDb, “Mea Culpa” has a similarly low score of 4.1 points out of ten. On the other hand, 59% of Google users who rated the movie liked it. The Guardian’s popular critic Benjamin Lee also gave it a two-star review in his column.
“As one might have guessed from the plot description, it’s hopelessly overstacked, Perry’s poor actors stumbling over absurdly soapy dialogue, needlessly busying something that required a lot more focus to work,” it read.
“While it might start out as an erotic thriller, it slows down to a damp relationship drama before meandering its way to a climax hinged on head-scratching twists that make little to zero sense.”
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Unsurprisingly, the reactions on social media are quite similar. Some even describe it as the worst film the “Madea” actor has ever made. “Mea Culpa (2024)… from start to finish, this is quite simply the worst Tyler Perry film to date,” one person wrote on X (formerly Twitter).
“I’d go as far as to say it’s probably one of the worst films I’ve ever had the displeasure to sit through. Not one shred of emotion, not one tear or laugh. Nothing for 120 minutes.”
“Tyler Perry’s Mea Culpa is one of the worst movies I have seen,” another user remarked. “This movie is terrible. Tubi originals are better. If you are thinking about watching this movie, keep it moving to another one. Tyler Perry has all the resources at his disposal and puts together trash.”
“Mea Culpa was one of the worst movies made this 21st century,” another commented. Another said it “may be the worst movie I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” A minority also believes that the movie is not “as bad as people say it is.”
Have you seen “Mea Culpa?” Do you agree with the ratings so far? If you haven’t seen it, there’s only one way to find out. Tyler Perry’s Mea Culpa is available for streaming on Netflix.
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