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HomeNewsWhite People Never Have To Think About These Things

White People Never Have To Think About These Things

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Thing white people never have to
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With over fifty-one percent increase in racial stigma, hate crime, and speech. The effects and negativity of racism are a lot deeper than it is seen or spoken about. 

Some elements have been pointed out as fostering a conducive atmosphere where these racial and hate activities thrive. Economic instability, such as lack of jobs, financial crises, and the media, can create a community where prejudice thrives. 

In addition, a bad personal experience or encounter can increase tension amongst different races. Here are some common experiences as a result of racial stereotypes:

Having People Follow You While You Shop: Report has it that over ninety percent of Black American shoppers have had a share of being treated wrongly while shopping. One thousand and twenty black customers were polled by DealAid on Racial identification in U.S Retail shops. According to the result from the report, fifty-two of these customers stated that they would no longer visit a store after the incident due to the treatment they got due to their identity. 

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ALSO READ: Black Doctor Slams Claims That Systemic Racism Influences Black People’s Health

Another study conducted by Sephora, a French beauty company, showed that most people are more likely to order and buy online than visit the physical store to avoid being discriminated against. 

Wrong crime Accusation: In 2022, it was discovered that over three thousand innocent people have been freed in America since 1989, with African Americans on top of the list compared to Whites, according to research by Race & Wrongful Convictions. It’s evident that blacks are quick to be convicted of crimes they didn’t commit, unlike white Americans. The report stated that this is true for all other main crimes, with the exception of white-collar crime. 

POLL—Is Systemic Racism a Significant Problem That Requires Reform in Policing and Other Areas?

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According to the Registry of National Exonerations, there’s a high possibility of a false conviction in a homicide lawsuit involving White victims, almost double that of those involving Black victims. 

Sexual Cases: The report says that a Black person is 8 times more likely than White people to be wrongfully convicted of a sexual assault charge, making racial stereotypes in these cases much worse.

Racial Discrimination: Oftentimes, news reports show people of color going about their regular lives, moving in, going out, buying goods, and doing recreational activities, only to have the police call on them. However, there are numerous incidents that do not include law enforcement for everyone that makes the news.

ALSO READ: Missouri School Board Drops Black History Classes After Rescinding Anti-Racism Resolution

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Black shoppers who are observed too closely by shop staff. Muslims & Hispanic pupils who are questioned about their citizenship. This discrimination based on race is common, and those affected aren’t the only ones who suffer. It has a subtle impact on the safety of everyone, business, and health in addition to the rest of the community.

These things happen more frequently than people realize. Think about it: a golf course management called the cops on black ladies just because they played too slowly. 2 black students were making a mother anxious, so she contacted the cops. 

In another scenario, a black pupil was dozing off in a hostel facility at Yale when a white pupil contacted the cops. Racial stereotyping happens on a daily basis, and it’s nearly routine now, according to 29-year-old black male Darren Martin.

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