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HomeGeneralNYC Mayor Eric Adams Could Lose Mayoral Election Over Bungled Migrant Crisis

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Could Lose Mayoral Election Over Bungled Migrant Crisis

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Mayor Eric Adams
Source: Pinterest

Politics might seem messy, but it is very sensitive. It deals on a large scale with people who can love you one day and hate you on another. 

In his early months in office, Eric Adams enjoyed love from his people. But that was because he seemed to be doing things right. That has since changed. 

He is now famous for bungling the migrant crisis and irrational budget cuts. His unwillingness to spend adequate time fixing any crisis has also cost him the people’s goodwill.

Experts are now contending that Adams may even lose the mayoralty. This is all thanks to his multiple campaign financing and conflicts-of-interest investigations. All in connection with officials linked to the Turkish government.

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That is not the best outcome, as Adams has also contributed despite all his failures. Manhattan is facing a crisis. If things continue unchecked, Miami will one day overtake Manhattan as the capital of Wall Street, but that’s not all.

Tourists will also reconsider visiting when no mayor can persuade them to believe that crime isn’t as rampant as claimed. Adams oozed confidence and love for the city, but if he loses the mayoral election, there’s no guarantee the next mayor will do better.

Already, many believe that the left is fine with the city’s polycultural diversity and street disorder. However, they also think it detests the commercial and financial dominance, which essentially makes New York City, New York City.

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Meanwhile, the right (the far right especially) also reportedly does not like the New York area very much and not for any particular reason. 

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene believes New York is “disgusting,” “filthy,” “repulsive,” and a “terrible place.” Some celebrities also agree with her, including Johnny Carson, who joked about Martians encountering muggers in Central Park.

The city needs a new mayor who is charismatic enough to stop the decline. Unfortunately, other potential successors to Adams, such as Comptroller Brad Lander and Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, are not very encouraging replacements. 

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The worst among them is former Gov. Andrew Cuomo. He beat all others in a recent hypothetical poll of candidates should Adams leave office.

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Cuomo is known to have a lack of love for the Big Apple. This was evident when he balked at the cost of rebuilding the World Trade Center. 

He also seemed determined to punish the city during the COVID-19 crisis as he closed stores, restaurants, and movie theaters long after other parts of the state were allowed to open.

Eric Adams may have some faults, but many hope he can weather the current storms and emerge victorious in the race. Otherwise, New York City’s decline may continue. 

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