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HomeNewsNY Senator Calls Out Women’s Groups Silent on Hamas Rapes

NY Senator Calls Out Women’s Groups Silent on Hamas Rapes

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Senator Gillibrand recently called out women's groups for being silent
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In a recent interview with Fox News, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand expressed her displeasure at several women’s groups. These groups have been silent on the ongoing raping of Israeli women by the Hamas organization. She sat with Fox’s Dana Perino to talk about this pressing issue. 

At the beginning of the interview, Perino mentioned Gillibrand’s moving speech at the United Nations convention in New York, where the Senator shed tears. She also discussed Fox News’s interview with a former Miss World from Israel, Linot Abargil. 

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Abargil herself is a rape victim from many years ago and understands the pain of the women more than most. In her interview, she said, “It’s ‘Me Too’ unless you’re a Jew. That’s it. It’s hard to say that, but that’s the truth.” 

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“You know what the women’s organizations did? They took it to the political side. It’s not about politics, it’s not about “Free Palestine,” it’s not about which side you are on the map. To use rape as an act of war is unbearable.”

Perino then asked the Senator what she thought about this silence, as she knows most of its leaders. Gillibrand responded, “I’ve not woken to them, and when I saw the most at the UN, I was so gassed, so furious. I don’t understand how we cannot have solidarity amongst all women in the US and globally that using rape as an act of war is unacceptable. It has to be condemned.”

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She continued, “The fact that the UN has not called Hamas a terrorist organization in contempt of the horrific violence of October 7 is unacceptable. And they are not even enforcing international law and not calling it out as a violation of war.”

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Perino agreed with the Senator and spoke further about Abargil’s comments about these women’s organizations speaking up when Boko Haram was raping women in Nigeria. The groups in question include Planned Parenthood, Women’s March, Emily’s List, National Organization for Women, and Democrat Women’s Caucus. Perino asked if the Senator would reach out to the leaders of these groups.

She replied, “I already did that in my speech. It is an outrage, and the Women’s Rights groups in the US should care deeply about women around the globe and should not turn a blind eye. They should not keep their head in the sand.”

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The Senator also mentioned that these groups have a “moral responsibility.” They should also emphasize that rape should not be a weapon of war. She also noted that she was at a congress that showed council members videos and pictures of these war crimes. 

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In addition, college leaders have also been silent about the genocide happening because of the war. Therefore, Perino asked the Senator what she thought about this.

Gillibrand responded that these college leaders should resign immediately as silence is just as good as encouraging the act. Some of these schools include big names like Harvard and MIT, to the disappointment of many. 

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