Saturday, September 7, 2024
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Is It Time to Sell Your House? 12 Unmistakable Signs Your Neighborhood Is in Decline

Is It Time to Sell Your House? 12 Unmistakable Signs Your Neighborhood Is in Decline
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Is It Time to Sell Your House? Unmistakable Signs Your Neighborhood Is in Decline

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No neighborhood is perfect. As time passes, you may start to notice signs of decline in your formerly ideal neighborhood, and sometimes, it is a signal to sell your home if you own one or move away if you don’t. 

Neglected Properties Are on the Increase 

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It may spell trouble if you notice that your neighbors are no longer keeping up with essential maintenance around their homes. Are the lawns mowed? Have they stopped planting flowers in the spring? 
This is a big red flag because it may mean they no longer care and want to move. This can severely impact the value of your home.

Higher Number of Police Cars

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If you notice an increased number of police cars patrolling your neighborhood, you should be worried. This could mean that the crime rate is rising, and they’re trying to prevent additional problems.
When property crimes become rampant in an area, it signals a decline in law and order, eroding residents’ sense of safety and security.

House Prices Are Dropping

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Many homeowners use platforms like Zillow to check the Zestimate for their houses and perhaps others in their neighborhood. The number is not always spot-on, but it can give you a good grasp of what’s happening to nearby home values.
If you see that values are flat or decreasing, even though the rest of the city is enjoying price appreciation, this could be a bad sign; it could be bad news. 

What Experts Say About Property Value Dropping

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According to an expert in housing, property decline is a more subtle but equally concerning sign that your neighborhood is declining. This is bad because as the overall desirability of that area diminishes, the value of homes within it follows, making it difficult for homeowners to sell or refinance their properties.

Keep Track of Property Values in Your Area 

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It is not hard to keep track of property values. However, it will require some work and time. All you have to do is pick a couple of houses on each block around your own and write down what their estimated values are each month. 
This will give you a good grasp of what is happening in your neighborhood regarding property value. 

A Drop in Home Ownership 

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If more and more people in your neighborhood are less interested in owning a home within it, it may be a sign that it is declining. A healthy community should see a constant inflow and outflow of homeowners.  
If more people are moving away or if most folks don’t own homes, this could lead to a rise in rental properties, which is another bad news.

Rise in Rentals

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If more homes in your neighborhood become rental properties, this is not a positive sign for the community. Renters usually have a different mindset from homeowners since they have nothing invested in the home.
They tend to do less maintenance and upkeep to the house while living there. This could negatively impact the homes around it.

Watch Out for Foreclosures, Too

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You must also monitor recent foreclosures in your neighborhood. Most people facing foreclosure stop maintaining their homes as much as they might have previously.
Foreclosures also reduce property values due to lower comparables and are generally not good for the community. 

Extended Vacancies Are Not Good

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If homes in your neighborhood spend a long time on the market before they are bought, this can mean a range of things. Some may wonder if something is wrong with the home or if people are hesitant to move into the neighborhood.
The longer a house is up for sale, the more difficult it becomes to sell it for the desired price. This leads to lower property values for everyone in the neighborhood.

Unhealthy Businesses

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It can be a bad sign if businesses find it hard to maintain daily operations and begin moving out of the area. Some cases may be due to other factors, like gentrification or economic issues, but it’s something to be cautious of. Healthy businesses attract healthy crowds and do wonders for a community. 

An Unvibrant Atmosphere

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Joy should exist where people are gathered. If there is a noticeable departure of businesses, especially those that cater to families and contribute to a vibrant community atmosphere, that neighborhood is starting to lose its appeal.
Watch out for empty storefronts and boarded-up businesses as they paint a sad picture of an area on a downward spiral.

Red Flags Means Time to Move 

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Everyone wants to live in a great neighborhood where they can feel safe while having access to amenities like shopping malls, grocery stores, and entertainment. However, if you start noticing the above-mentioned red flags, it may be time to pack it up.
Even two of them should be enough to make you take action, and if you don’t plan to leave, it might be time to rally the neighbors to end the decline.