Saturday, September 7, 2024
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Atlanta Woman’s Home of Over a Decade Demolished Without Consent

Atlanta Woman’s Home of Over a Decade Demolished Without Consent
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Atlanta Woman’s Home of Over a Decade Demolished Without Consent

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Coming back from vacation usually means returning home with a renewed and happy spirit. However, this was not the case for Susan Hodgson, who returned to find her house razed to the ground.

Susan Hodgson’s Dilemma

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Susan Hodgson is an Atlanta resident who returned from her vacation to find her house demolished. Before she returned, she got a panicked phone call from her neighbor stating that construction workers were destroying her home. The neighbor, who knew Hodgson, was worried because she had not informed them of such construction work before her travels.

Construction Company Made A Mistake

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According to the construction company, the demolition was a complete mistake. They claimed they received the wrong address by mistake and tore down the wrong home on that fateful day. The home was not damaged and had been taken care of for over 15 years. It had up-to-date taxes but also had some boards on its windows.

The Unhelpful Construction Company

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When the construction company came to the house, Hodgson’s neighbor confronted the crew and corrected the apparent mistake. However, she was met with a nasty response as the free told her to “shut up and mind her own business.” Therefore, she decided to call her neighbor to ask if she was aware of the situation.

They Called in A Family Member

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After the neighbor and a few community members tried to stop the construction workers from tearing down the house, they called on a close family member to check out the scene. When the family member arrived, the construction company finally listened a

Hodgson Is Dealing With This Alone

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Now, Hodgson is left to deal with the mess on her own. No one inhabited the small brick house, but she made sure all her bills were up to date. She also maintained the lawn excellently. Therefore, the boards on its windows simply protected the house from potential thieves. Little did she know that it would end up getting demolished.

Company Dodging Calls

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“You Call It We Haul It” is the name of the construction company that demolished Hodgson’s house. The Atlanta-based company has yet to contact her or apologize for the incident. The aggrieved woman has tried reaching out to them to sort this issue without involving her lawyers, but they are not answering her calls.

Hodgson Wants an Apology

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In an interview with AP News, Hodgson mentioned that she only wants an apology and compensation from the company. She is still shocked, as she finds it strange that they made such a mistake and did not issue an apology. They also did not try to help resolve the issue, offering no monetary assistance or compensation.

A Statement to the Press

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Multiple reporting agencies have contacted “You Call It We Haul It” to no avail. They have been very tight-lipped and have made no comments on the issue. However, they sent a sole letter to Fox5 Atlanta saying they were well aware of the issue and are working to rectify the mistake they committed.

Hodgson Family Memories Destroyed

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Although Hodgson and her family did not live in the house for years, she kept it in great condition. This is because it was her home for a long time. She has sentimental value for it, as many memories were formed in that house. Therefore, all the beautiful memories she built with her late husband and children are gone with the house.

Atlanta Adds Insult to Injury

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Making matters worse, Atlanta is not making things easier for Hodgson. Her city issued a statement, claiming that she needed to clean up the mess as the house was demolished without all the required permits. They also gave her a strict deadline of only two weeks. Therefore, Hodgson feels they are also being unfair to her as she didn’t ask for any of this to happen.

The Demolition Is a Civil Dispute

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Hodgson has reached out several times to ask for assistance from the city. However, she has been met with no help at all. This is because the city of Atlanta believes the issue is a civil dispute, and they cannot get involved. As of today, it is unclear if the homeowner will take legal action against the construction company or not.

The Future Is Uncertain for Her Home

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Since the home is already diminished, Hodgens and her family are not sure what will happen to the remnants of the house or the land. For now, she has no intentions to rebuild the sentimental property, and there could be a serious lawsuit looming soon.