A school in the NY District came into the headlines as a result of an advertised banner with the image of Lakers star LeBron James depicting racism. An inquiry is being carried out to get to the root of the situation.
According to the news media, in the banner is the image of the LA star displayed at the New Hartford Festival of Arts, designed by a junior learner in the Hartford Central School area art department.
The advertisement headline carried the phrase which says, Eating the Monkey Cereal can give you extra strength to Jump like monkeys (added below Jump like LeBron James). The banner that shows the Lakers star jumping to net the bucket was supposed to be part of the creativity of the Monkey Cereal advertisement.
According to the news report, the banner was present at the art event on Saturday, May 11. It circulated instantly upon being uploaded to social media.
Cosmiro Tangorra, the superintendent of schools, posted in a paper to the area showing his displeasure with how the prevailing prejudice has been accepted and left to flourish to the extent of it being showcased for all to see.
He added that the situation could negatively impact some households, officials, learners, and community members, and the issue of acceptance. The educational institution in the environment should be open and ready to accept and provide a conducive, secure and learning atmosphere for everyone.
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We seem to have lost that quality, and it’s not too late to retrace our steps. As a community of different people, it is up to us to work together to create a better, safer, and friendly environment for learners and households.
We must create an environment where people are respected and treated with great value. To achieve this, more training and awareness communication amongst the educational bodies in the community will be necessary.
A report from news media says the learner and the officials who supervised the making and showcasing of the banner have been reached out to. However, the LA star whose image was used is yet to make a statement regarding the situation.
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Authorities have also spoken to members of the officials who cheered the plan and saw it to the finish point. The situation, indeed, is a learning avenue, they said.
According to Tangorra, further details about whether there is a punishment for the action carried out by the learner will not be revealed as a result of the privacy policy. A lot needs to be put in place, and measures will be taken to ensure a peaceful and harmonized environment for all.
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