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“They Don’t Work,” MIT Scraps DEI From Hiring Requirement

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“They Don’t Work,” MIT Scraps DEI From Hiring Requirement

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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology became the first top institution to scrap diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) statements from its faculty recruitment process.

On Sunday, May 5, 2024, the school announced its intention to remove DEI. MIT revealed that this approach, which many higher institutions have adopted since the 2010s, no longer works for them.

Unanimous Decision

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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology becoming the first higher institution to scrap DEI was a unanimous decision. All the top officials of the institution supported the approach before it was made public.

The president, provost, chancellor, and all six academic deans were among the top school board leaders who came together to agree that DEI should be scrapped.

Why Did MIT Scrap DEI?

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The reason why MIT scrapped DEI is to boost freedom of expression and ensure effectiveness in its hiring practices. The scrapping of DEI means that the statement of diversity will no longer be used as a requirement for any faculty position at the institution.

According to the spokesperson from the school, “Requests for a statement on diversity will no longer be part of applications for any faculty positions at MIT.”

MIT President Expressed Her View

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According to the MIT president, Sally Kornbluth, the scrapping of DEI from the recruitment process is to ensure inclusivity. She explained the importance of building an environment that requires inclusion.

In her speech, she stated that the requirements of statements on diversity can impede freedom of expression, and this may not be effective. Hence, it won’t be needed anymore in the process of their recruitment.


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Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at MIT is about asking candidates seeking a position at the faculty level to demonstrate their experience and knowledge. This practice lets candidates exhibit how they have worked with diverse groups and how they can contribute value to the MIT community.

This practice is to prepare the minds of candidates for what to likely expect during their working days at MIT and to see how well prepared they are to work in academic settings.

Freedom of Expression

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The university is working towards fostering an environment where freedom of speech and expression is encouraged.

To ensure
this, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression conducted a survey.
The outcome of this survey plays an important role in making MIT reconsider the DEI as a requirement. The survey revealed how faculty members and students were reluctant to express their views.

Questions About the Effectiveness of DEI

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The effectiveness of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) has become a topic of debate for most universities. Across higher institutions in the United States, there is a discussion about the effectiveness and implications of DEI statements in the process of academic recruitment.

There are questions about whether this is the best approach to promising freedom of expression, equity, and inclusion in academic institutions.

Critics View About DEI Statements

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Some people criticize the idea of DEI, arguing that it is an ideological litmus test. The critics explain that DEI statements would likely marginalize faculty members with different views about diversity and inclusion.

A critic group called FIRE highlights the essence of diversity. They aim to create an inclusive environment welcoming different views and opinions and freedom of expression.

Harvard Professor Calls for an End to DEI Statements

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Recently, mandatory DEI statements have become an increasingly popular topic among universities. Different opinions from scholars about the program and many are calling for it to be scrapped.

According to a law professor at Harvard University, he expresses his concern about political bias in academic environments and has called for an end to mandatory DEI statements.

Harvard Scholar Expressed Dissatisfaction Over DEI

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Another Harvard professor, Randall L. Kennedy, expressed his dissatisfaction with the DEI statements. In his opinion, the idea behind DEI should already be a thing of the past.

Kennedy emphasized
the need for alternative approaches toward DEI. He stresses the need to respect individual views while promoting an inclusive environment.

MIT Setting the Pace for Others

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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is the first institution to take this bold step by scrapping DEI in its employment practices.

This might serve as a lead for other institutions which might have been contemplating the hiring procedure.
MIT’s latest development could bring about a new phase in academic settings. MIT is undoubtedly a respected institution in the US educational system, and it often sets trends that others follow.

Importance of Diversity and Inclusiveness in Academia

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The idea behind diversity and inclusiveness is to promise freedom of expression. Inclusiveness ensures equality for everyone and promises social justice and fairness.

Also, the essence of diversity and inclusiveness in academia is that it helps enrich the learning environment and promote innovation and social progress.

Will Other Institutions Follow MIT?

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MIT is currently the first and only institution to have scrapped DEI from its recruitment process. The question now is, will others take the same approach? We can’t say for sure yet, but there is a high possibility that others might consider this.

This is because the debate over diversity and inclusion in academia has recently become a topic in the educational system, as many scholars support scrapping DEI.