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HomeGeneralSen. John Fettermn’s Break From the Left Earns Him Republican Support

Sen. John Fettermn’s Break From the Left Earns Him Republican Support

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Senator John Fetterman
Source: John Fetterman/Facebook

The recent remarks of John Fetterman have caught the attention of Republican senators. The Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, known for his progressive stance, has shifted positions on his support for Israel and advocating for stricter border policies.

The senator vocally defended Israel in its war against the Hamas. To further show his solidarity, the senator waved an Isearl flag at a group of pro-Palestinian protesters at the Capitol. Additionally, Fetterman supported bipartisan talks for stricter border policies, going against the Democratic views on immigration. 

He also broke ranks with his party by calling for the expulsion of his fellow Democrat– Senator Menendez. His recent moves have shocked the progressives who thought he was their strong ally. Fetterman’s position has put him at odds with progressives who prioritize Palestinian rights and advocate for calmer immigration policies. 

Previously labeled as a “radical socialist” by Republicans, Fetterman’s opinion appears to be breaking from the left, stirring excitement among Republicans. Republicans are now willing to collaborate with the senator on policy matters. “It certainly makes it more appealing to want to work with him on things if you see this independent streak,” Senator Kevin Cramer commented.

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ALSO READ: Fetterman Reiterates Calls for Sen. Bob Menendez’s Expulsion From Congress Amid New Allegations 

Senator Tommy Tuberville, who caused frustration in his party with his opposition to military promotion, praised Fetterman’s actions. He viewed Fetterman as independent-minded and unafraid to speak his mind, regardless of party lines. According to Tuberville, “It’s easier to talk, carry on a conversation with a political opponent who’s “open-minded.”

His outspoken advocacy has marked Senator Fetterman’s political journey for criminal justice reform, marijuana legalization, economic equality, etc. All of which aligns with the Democrats. However, if he distances himself from some of these positions, it could attract support from conservative voters. Also, it creates opportunities for Republicans in Pennsylvania. 

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Fetterman’s Senate colleagues described him as “independent” and someone who “sticks to his guns.” This suggests that despite being a Democrat, Fetterman isn’t strictly aligned with party doctrines and is willing to stand on his beliefs. It doesn’t matter that his beliefs deviate from typical Democratic positions.

We can’t say if Fetterman will use his newfound position to become a dealmaker in the Senate. Despite being viewed favorably by Republicans, the senator’s voting record still aligns with the Democratic Party. 

ALSO READ: “It’s Wrong for Workers!” Fetterman Blasts $14.9 Billion Sale of U.S. Steel Corp 

In a recent interview, Fetterman suggested that Republicans shouldn’t be surprised by his recent remarks on the border and Israel. Referring to Republican’s 2022 campaign attacks on him, the senator stated, “Outside of Philadelphia, they have these gigantic billboards, where it was like, ‘Fetterman = open border’… it just turns out that it’s all bullshit. And I would have thought that professionals would have realized that most of it is all bullshit.”

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However, despite the support, the Republicans don’t want to emphasize Fetterman’s shift in views too much. Many of them still have their reservations about his overall political leanings. Senator Kevin Cramer remarked that Fetterman’s positions are liberal on most issues.

On the other hand, Senator John Kennedy acknowledged Fetterman’s consistency on the border and Israel. However, he dismissed the notion that Fetterman was independent from his party. “Just because somebody agrees or disagrees with you doesn’t mean you ought to like or dislike them. You should respect differences of opinion,” the senator stated.

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