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Trump Hints at Names of His Potential Running Mates in the 2024 Election

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Guess who tops the list of potential running mates for former President Donald Trump in a new poll from a swing state in the Northeast? It’s none other than former Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii. Suprising, right? If you don’t remember Gabbard, here is a quick recap. Gabbard ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020 and later left the Democratic Party to become an independent. She is a favored choice in the latest University of New Hampshire Survey Center poll. 

Source: CBN News/YouTube

According to the poll, 24% of New Hampshire voters who are not supporting President Biden said Gabbard is their preferred vice-presidential candidate for Donald Trump. This preference places her seven points ahead of Vivek Ramaswamy, the multimillionaire biotech entrepreneur who also vied for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination. 

Poll Reveals Top Choices for Trump’s Running Mate

When Vivek Ramaswamy left the White House race earlier this year, he endorsed former President Donald Trump. After Ramaswamy’s exit came two other primary rivals: Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. In a recent poll, these men had 13% and 9% support, respectively. Notably, Scott endorsed Trump in January, and ever since, he has frequently appeared with Trump on the campaign trail. However, DeSantis, who also supported Trump, as he dropped out in January, has not yet joined Trump on the trail. Maybe later on. 

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Tulsi Gabbard
Source: Pinterest

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, a known Trump ally and supporter, was preferred by 6% of those polled as Trump’s potential running mate. Meanwhile, former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley received 5% support. Haley, the last rival to drop out of the nomination race, has not endorsed Trump but stated recently that she would vote for him over President Biden in November. Other potential running mates mentioned in the poll received single-digit support.

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Who Is Trump’s Potential Running Mate?

Tulsi Gabbard is an officer in the Hawaii National Guard and an Iraq War veteran. She made history as the first Samoan-American elected to Congress. Additionally, she was once a member of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party and endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. Former Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii launched a challenging bid for the White House in 2020. However, since departing from the Democratic Party, she has increasingly appealed to conservative audiences.

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Tulsi Gabbard
Source: Pinterest

During a Fox News town hall in South Carolina before the state’s GOP presidential primary, former President Donald Trump made a statement. He noted that Tulsi Gabbard was among several contenders for his running mate. Gabbard has publicly complimented Trump, stating earlier this year on Fox News that she’s encountered many resilient individuals throughout her life. However, no one could endure the challenges facing Donald Trump without faltering. In addition, Gabbard thinks Trump would actively resist the entire Washington establishment. She has also expressed openness to joining Trump on a national ticket.

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More Details About Tulsi Gabbard

Other things to note about Gabbard are that during her 2020 presidential campaign, she dedicated considerable time to the first-in-the-nation primary state. Fast-forward to 2022, she made several visits to New Hampshire, where she joined retired Army Gen. Don Bolduc on his campaign trail as the Republican Senate nominee. Their efforts aimed to unseat Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan, though their bid ultimately proved unsuccessful. Notably, in 2010, Gabbard joined the Honolulu City Council, where she served as Chair of the Safety and Economic Development.

Tulsi Gabbard
Source: Pinterest

Then, she became the Vice Chair of the Budget Committee. In 2011, Gabbard went to Indonesia for peacekeeping training with the Indonesian Army. The following year, she joined the House of Representatives in the United States. She served Hawaii’s 2nd District there. Gabbard is one of the first two female combat veterans to serve in the United States Congress and the first Hindu member. That’s a whole lot of accomplishments!

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