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HomeGeneralThe DOJ Is Forcing Rachel Levine Into Litigation

The DOJ Is Forcing Rachel Levine Into Litigation

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Rachel Levine
Source: Pinterest

Rachel Levine, aka Admiral Rachel L. Levine, a transgender official, is now a custodian in the case against Alabama’s sex change ban for minors. A judge is forcing Levine to become a custodian because she is close to the legal proceedings’ subject matter.

It may be advantageous, but it opens her up to many things. For example, the DOJ has been attempting to stop Levine’s emails from being exposed in the legal proceedings. However, it has been unsuccessful. 

Alabama’s Attorney General, Steve Marshall, is in charge of defending the litigation brought against an Alabama law that makes it a felony to prescribe puberty blockers or hormones to transgender children for a sex change. 

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The felony is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. 

The Department of Justice requested to be part of a lawsuit against the Alabama law that bans sex changes for minors, making some federal officials subject to discovery. Discovery is a procedure during a legal proceeding that sees both parties present and request evidence before trial. 

Marshall requested Levine’s records. He believes that she is one of the primary voices in the federal government — and in the Health and Human Services Department — who is in support of sex changes in children with gender dysphoria. 

The DOJ tried to block the request, instead offering Levine’s former subordinate for discovery. It also provided a FOIA response with unrelated search terms. However, on November 17, in a court ruling, a judge said that Admiral Levine’s emails are “relevant… Given that Admiral Levine is a public official.” 

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Alabama Attorney General Marshall is happy that the scales of justice tipped their way. He said: “I am glad the court granted our motion to require HHS to search Admiral Levine’s emails for documents relevant to our defense of Alabama’s law.”

He also said: “We look forward to reviewing the documents HHS produces as we continue to defend Alabama’s children.”

Levine’s involvement in the litigation does not come as a surprise. The transgender official has been a very vocal voice in the federal government, especially regarding transgender issues. 

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“Levine has been at the forefront of the Biden Administration’s reckless promotion of sex-modification procedures for children. There is no doubt about that, nor about the Admiral’s close involvement with radical organizations like WPATH whose ‘Standards of Care’ mandate the use of sterilizing hormones and surgeries to ‘treat’ vulnerable children suffering from gender dysphoria,” Marshall says. 

In August 2023, Levine expressed support for an Alaska gender clinic promoting revisionist ideas about biological sex. One of these ideas includes eliminating the word mother from K-12 science classes. 

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The replacement gender-inclusive biology curriculum – used by science teachers – recommends “child-friendly definitions” of terms primarily linked to gender and sexuality.

In July, Levine made headlines for arguing that medical interventions like hormone therapy could be mandatory for kids who are experiencing the “wrong puberty.” Levine has been promising that medically changing kids’ genders would soon be a regular thing. 

“But I’m a positive and optimistic person, and I choose to be positive and optimistic. And I think that the wheels will turn on this,” Levine says.

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