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HomeGeneralPlastic Surgeon Slams DEI Ideology, Claims It Is Endangering Patients

Plastic Surgeon Slams DEI Ideology, Claims It Is Endangering Patients

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A plastic Surgeon from Beverly Hills is speaking out against DEI ideology. Which she says is negatively impacting her profession by lowering standards. Dr. Sheila Nazarian believes this spells doom for the medical industry. And she said as much in an opinion column for the Jerusalem Post last week. 

“Every American who cares about their right to equal, skillful medical treatment should join me in condemning medicine’s DEI-fueled politicization,” she wrote.

Nazarian agrees that the DEI’s impact on higher education has been well-documented. But she wants us to be “especially horrified by its intrusion into medicine, the field tasked with treating life-or-death situations and caring for the most vulnerable, of any race, among us.”

She highlighted how medical schools have been scrapping MCAT admission requirements for certain students in the name of DEI and how it is a good example of how far-left ideas have lowered standards. As far as Nazarian is concerned, this raises “serious concerns about competence within the next generation of American doctors.”

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“Abandoning meritocracy in favor of politicized, qualitative standards will only endanger the patients who land in the care of the doctors shaped by this system.

Every curriculum item, research grant, and faculty training meeting sacrificed at the altar of identity politics is a wasted opportunity for students to learn a real skill that might actually help them save a life,” Nazarian’s column reads.

She believes that DEI further endangers patients because it teaches doctors to deal with patients via an antiracist lens. Nazarian believes this can only lead to biased patient care.

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“In medicine, rather than creating a more equitable medical system, DEI reduces the world to a flawed hierarchy of victimhood, advancing a worldview so riddled with hypocrisy and antisemitism that it now leads its supposed champions of the marginalized to celebrate terrorism and justify the murder of Jews,” Nazarian wrote.

Nazarian believes that the new set of future medical professionals undergoing training within the DEI regime poses serious risks. Not just about their capability but also in how they regard all patients which must be with equal care.

Fortunately, not all hope is lost. Nazarian said there are signs medical schools could turn the trend around. She drew attention to the national accrediting body for U.S. medical school’s testimony earlier this year.

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Which is that its accreditation standards do not “establish or define any quantitative outcomes” regarding DEI. Nazarian’s column ended by urging Americans to resist the DEI movement. And by demanding schools ease up on how focused they are on DEI ideology.

The University of North Carolina’s medical school is an example of an institution that has implemented this. The medical school dismissed its DEI task force in June. This came ahead of the Supreme Court’s ruling rejecting affirmative action policies in college admissions.

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