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HomeEntertainmentInside Piers Morgan's Celebrity Feuds

Inside Piers Morgan’s Celebrity Feuds

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British TV star Piers Morgan has had his career of over three decades fraught with dramatic moments often caused by his celebrity feuds with public figures like Meghan Markle.

Piers Morgan built his TV reputation around his takes on sensitive issues and hot topics. Most often than not Morgan’s media opinions tilt towards controversy and this has cost him.

In recent years, Morgan’s aggravation and criticism have been channeled towards the lifestyle of Meghan Markle, but before the media mogul went after the Duchess of Sussex, there were many other celebrities. Here’s a look through some of his scandalous media moments.

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1. Lady Gaga

Morgan tipped the scale in 2016 when he accused Lady Gaga of lying about being sexually assaulted. Gaga had voiced her past trauma about sexual assault but Morgan thought it was all a facade.

In her response, the “Born This Way” singer chose diplomacy and asked to talk about mental health on his show. 

Whether Piers Morgan airs his opinions on TV or on social media, one thing he does not mind is being dragged for filth. This could sometimes be due to his ideals or plain criticism.

image: YouTube

2. Susan Saradon

In 2016, Morgan went after American actress and activist, Susan Sarandon’s outfit at the 2016 SAG Awards. Susan had memorably donned a white blazer jacket over her black bra.

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Morgan immediately clamped down on her style choice terming it inappropriate. Saradon responded by posting a photo from “The Rocky Horror Picture.”

image: YouTube

3. Ewan McGregor

The “Doctor Sleep” actor was scheduled to have an interview with Morgan on promoting “T2 Trainspotting.” However after McGregor found out who was going to interview him, he opted out. 

A displeased Morgan took to his Twitter page where he called the Scottish actor out. He tweeted: “Sorry to hear that @mcgregor_ewan – you should be big enough to allow people different political opinions. You’re just an actor after all.”

4. Janet Mock

Janet Mock, a transgender activist joined the former “Good Morning Britain” TV host on his show, but things quickly turned sour with their difference of opinion and Morgan’s choice of words. 

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Through the interview, the 56-year-old Morgan kept referring back to Mock’s past life before she became transgender. He also took to Twitter teasing the interview, but his choice of words ticked Mock off.

5. Kim Kardashian 

Kim Kardashian is not new to Morgan’s scrutiny concerning her career and lifestyle choice. One of the recent criticisms came after Kardashian announced that she became a billionaire. Morgan called her talentless while ridiculing her family’s reality show.

6. Chrissy Teigen

When it comes to airing her opinions on social media and not cowering at the sight of trolls, Teigen has proved to be a hard nut to crack. And Morgan on the other hand has shown over the years that he does not mind being dragged for filth.

In one of his famous rifts with the cookbook author, Morgan had incurred her wrath alongside her husband’s, John Legend. This was because he criticized the late Mohammed Ali. Teigen and Legend wasted no time calling Morgan out. 

7. Meghan Markle

Since the get-go, it has been a war of words between Piers Morgan and Meghan Markle’s fans. This is because most of Morgan’s criticisms and open berating gets no verbal reaction from the Duchess of Sussex.

Markle and Morgan’s relationship used to be amiable and years back, he was often heard praising her. However, things took a bad turn after Morgan felt shunned for not getting an invitation to Markle’s royal wedding.

He has since criticized her royal dealings, exit from the royal house, and most recently her interview with Oprah Winfrey. 

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