Back in May 2023, an 11-year-old boy was shot by a Mississippi police officer after calling 911 for help. At the time, a grand jury reported that there was no criminal conduct on the part of the officer involved, and so there was no indictment.

However, according to the Indianola Board of Aldermen, the officer has now been suspended without any pay with immediate effect.
Alderman Marvin Elder told the press on the night of Monday, December 18, that the Indianola Board of Aldermen held a meeting to suspend Sgt. Greg Capers. The motion was made for the officer to be suspended immediately without pay. The motion was passed 4-1.
According to Nakala Murry, mother of Aderrien Murry, Sgt. Capers mistakenly shot and injured her son while responding to a domestic disturbance call at their home. The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation said that Capers was initially placed on administrative leave while they investigated the shooting.
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Furthermore, when the press tried to reach out to the Indianola Police Department for a comment on the case, they declined. However, Capers’ attorney, Michael Carr, said they were contemplating whether to appeal his suspension without pay.
“We were not made aware of the meeting or given the opportunity to speak or give our side,” Carr said. “Let me be clear; the decision to change Officer Capers’ status from leave with pay to leave without pay is no reflection on the merit of the alleged criminal charges against him.”
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Also, Murry has already filed a written affidavit in Sunflower County Circuit Court against Capers. Her suit accuses Capers of bodily harm and aggravated assault to her minor son.
“This affidavit is written by Ms. Murray, and the charge as written does not reflect the complete statute,” Carr told CNN. “Let me reiterate that this affidavit is not filed by any investigative agency at this time. The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is currently investigating the case. They have not filed an affidavit or any charge.”
Carr added that the Bureau of Investigation had Officer Capers’ body cam footage. According to him, it would be enough to vindicate him from any criminal allegation in the shooting. Additionally, Carr said that Capers is scheduled for a probable cause hearing on October 2, 2023, at 10 a.m..
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The officer’s body camera captured the fatal shooting in May 2023, but it is yet to be released to the public. The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is in possession of the footage as part of its investigation. After the shooting, the Bureau said that the agency was “currently assessing this critical incident and gathering evidence” and would provide the state attorney general’s office with its results.
However, the Murry family has insisted that Capers should be fired and charged for the incident. Aderrien was admitted to the University of Mississippi Medical Center because he suffered a collapsed lung, a lacerated liver, and fractured ribs. He was given a chest tube and placed on a ventilator.
Addrien was soon released from the hospital to continue recovering at home with his family. His family filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking $5 million, claiming excessive force, negligence, reckless endangerment, and other counts.
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