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HomeGeneralHillary Clinton’s D-Day Comments Sparks Outrage

Hillary Clinton’s D-Day Comments Sparks Outrage

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Hillary Clinton caused some controversy when she paid respect to D-Day over the internet recently. She connected contemporary election with the historical struggle towards democracy on the eightieth anniversary of the Normandy invasions. 

Hillary Clinton Blasts Tucker Carlson Over Putin Interview
Source: Pinterest

According to her writing, hundreds of courageous Americans battled on the beaches of Normandy eighty decades ago to defend freedom. All that is needed currently is to cast a ballot in November, she continued.

A Political and Historical Collision

Clinton’s juxtaposition of WWII hardships with current politics was deemed highly improper by Republicans, who took a hard line to her remark. 

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Historic black and white photo of Allied soldiers disembarking from a landing craft on D-Day
Source: Wikimedia Commons

RedState’s Bonchie voiced his disapproval with vividness, labeling it entirely immoral and characterizing Dems’ vote opposing Trump’s presidency as revolting and repulsive, comparing their acts of bravery with that of the people who were slain to bring down Hitler and regain Europe.

Widespread Aversion

Dana Loesch, a radio presenter, too voiced strong opposition, charging Clinton with disregarding the history of World War II heroes.

Hillary Clinton with arms outstretched, speaking at a rally with a crowd in the background
Source: Wikimedia Commons

She claimed that in 2016, an effort was made to reverse all of the gains they had made by collaborating with Fusion GPS to stifle criticism in the media and turn it into FISA orders for enemy monitoring.

Further Criticisms

As the criticism persisted, “Comfortably Smug,” the presenter of the “Ruthless” podcast, attacked Clinton over her comments. 

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Hillary Clinton
Source: Wikimedia Commons

He implied that she was downplaying the genuine courage shown during World War II when he labeled her to be an insensitive, damaged reptile creature for drawing such a connection.

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Clinton Is Not Overly Happy Regarding Trump’s Victory

With a hint of irony, Comfortably Smug additionally contributed to their release, saying that the citizens are stronger compared to the soldiers and that, having cast their votes in the past, they understand precisely what the experience must have felt like for the soldiers during the events of D-Day landings.

Trump bag another win in lawsuit
Source: Pinterest

Additionally, they added to the article by mentioning how obviously upset Clinton is that Trump defeated her in the 2016 electoral contest.

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No More a Somber Nation

Although comments on Clinton’s piece on X are now disabled, individuals may nevertheless quote what she wrote and express their opinions about it.

The flag of the USA
Source: Pinterest

That’s exactly what a user responded, claiming that “we are no longer serious as a society,” calling Clinton’s statements obscene and demanding she ought to be censured.


Making D-Day a Civic Focal Piece

Gaining ground and demonstrating your superiority over the opposition are the main goals of politics. But there is an occasion as well as a moment for everything.

A black and white image of ships during D-Day.
Source: John Alfred Hampton/Wikimedia Commons

One person on X commented that it had been impolite to use the commemoration of D-Day’s landing as an electoral point-scoring contest.

Disregarding fellow Americans

It’s conceivable that numerous Americans living presently remember an extended family member who participated during the D-Day invasions. In actuality, a few of the conflict’s warriors remain surviving today and recall the disasters that followed.

Hillary Clinton smiling in her home.
Source: Bonnie Englebardt/Wikimedia Commons

One person wrote in a post on X that Clinton had severely disrespected 50% of her countrymen and diminished and shamed the ultimate sacrifices made by the warriors.

Nobody Is Interested in Her

A representative for Trump’s campaign, Steven Cheung, has shown his affections for Clinton openly by calling her an unqualified failure.

Hillary Clinton speaking into a microphone.
Source: Brett Weinstein/Wikimedia Commons

Furthermore, after Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election, he asserted that nobody considers her serious although the woman is making every effort to maintain her relevance relative to Trump.

ALSO READ: Hillary Clinton Faces Student Protest During Visit to Alma Mater

A Veteran’s Angry Response

Writer and military hero Sean Parnell reacted angrily to Clinton’s tweet. 

Black and white historical image of troops wading ashore under fire at Normandy beach
Source: Wikimedia Commons

He declared that he hated these individuals and that it was hard to express how disgusting these remarks were. He got nauseated over the politicization of WWII veterans’ sacrifices.

Joe Biden Faces Criticism as Well

President Joe Biden also encountered criticism for his D-Day address, which bore a striking resemblance to that of previous President Ronald Reagan. Hillary Clinton is not the sole individual facing criticism for her remarks about D-Day.

A picture of Joe Biden
Source: Pinterest

Critics compared Biden to Reagan, arguing that he would never be a great leader, after this address, which was given at France’s Pointe du Hoc roughly four decades ago.

Conservatives versus Liberals

The fact that Biden mentioned the impending US presidential race in his D-Day address suggests that he may have taken a cue from Hillary’s book.

A picture of Pres. Biden and Former Pres. Trump
Source: Pinterest

Preaching about preserving democracy, Biden mentioned. Despite the fact that he did not specifically address Donald Trump, his opponent for the presidency, some think that it was his strategy of advocating for the Liberals to be reelected in November 2024 in order to preserve democracy.

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