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What We Know About Maldives’ Floating City

What We Know About Maldives’ Floating City

What We Know About Maldives’ Floating City

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Over a decade ago, the Maldives government realized that its citizens could be in trouble due to rising sea levels. Land was sparse, and its most populous city continued to shrink, so the government came together to devise a solution.

They devised a plan to build a city that would not be affected by the complications of rising sea levels and disappearing lands—a floating city. They shared their plans about 15 years ago, and now it is finally ready to take in its first residents. The marvel will be the first of its kind and will have every amenity a city should have, including affordable homes, roads constructed from water, and ready-to-go businesses. 

The Rationale Behind the City

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The floating city is located in the Maldives, a beautiful country just off the southern coast of India. It comprises about 2,000 islands; however, over 90% are uninhabited.

Given the country’s geography, it is not surprising that fishing and tourism are thriving industries. The water makes this possible, but it also makes the country very vulnerable to the more extreme side effects of climate change, especially rising tides. 


They Can’t Afford To Lose More Land

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One issue the Maldives has always had to contend with is the rising sea levels, an inevitable reality. They are expected to rise even more over the coming year, meaning the Maldives will lose even more land than it already has. This rising spells doom as people have barely been managing the present land.

For example, the country’s capital, Male, is already subject to overpopulation as residents struggle to make do with the bit of land they have. This year, it was revealed that over 200,000 people occupy the capital, meaning it is one of the most populated cities in the world. 

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The Government’s Lofty Plan

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Well aware of its people’s predicament, the Maldives government decided to do something to help. In 2009, it presented a lofty but advantageous plan to create the world’s first floating city a stone’s throw away from Male.

To pull it off, the government enlisted the help of an architectural firm, Waterstudio, based in the Netherlands. Waterstudio is known to laugh at climate change. It took a few years to work out the plan’s kinks, and then the project started in earnest. 

The Floating City Is Shaped Like a Human Brain

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It did not take long for Waterstudio to release construction plans for the futuristic city. They decided to build it in a warm-water lagoon anyone from Male can reach within 15 minutes via boat, and thanks to its hexagonal layout, they fashioned it to look similar to a human brain. Waterstudio also plans to erect a ring of artificial islands around the city to guarantee residents’ safety in case of extreme climate. 

It Will Have 5,000 Homes.

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The city plans to provide exactly 5,000 homes capable of housing about 20,000 people. The homes all face the ocean in some way, come equipped with docks for the boats that will be the primary source of transportation, and are linked via well-designed walkways and streets of water.

The Houses Are Anchored

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A floating city will naturally make you question its stability, but Waterstudio has also made provision for that. Besides the artificial island that will act similarly to windbreakers, they also secured the houses and walkways by tethering them to the sea floor. 

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The City Will Be Self Sufficient

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Aside from safety, the government was also very particular about infrastructure while making the plans. They ensured the Floating City had every needed infrastructure, including stores, hotels, office spaces, educational facilities, and restaurants. They hope these businesses will help the city be self-sufficient while creating a subsequent economy.

Can Anyone Move There?

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Foreign-born residents have always made up a healthy percentage of the Maldives, and the government expects the same in the floating city. However, they also hope that many people born in the Maldives will also move there.

After all, there is a lot of attraction for them; thanks to its location, fishing will most likely be one of the most lucrative industries in the city, and since more than 20% of the country’s labor force is already involved in the industry, work will be plentiful there.

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The Houses Are Stunning

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Waterstudio went all out to ensure the beauty of the city’s homes. The firm has released digital illustrations of what they will look like, and vibrant is a word that barely justifies how great they look. 

The Homes Are Cheap Too

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Such breathtaking edifices might make you worry about cost, but the truth is that they cost half of what average homes in America cost: $250,000. The houses will be available for sale by the end of this year, and all 5,000 will be completed by 2027. Expatriates interested in owning one of these houses can now apply on its website. 

Are Floating Cities Here To Stay?

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Every year, the planet loses more land due to rising sea levels, and the Maldives are not the only country at risk of loss and overpopulation. If this floating city succeeds, more countries will likely take the initiative, which means these cities may just be here to stay. 

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