Saturday, September 7, 2024
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This Genius Hack Helps New Moms Sleep Better

This Genius Hack Helps New Moms Sleep Better

This Genius Hack Helps New Moms Sleep Better

Source: Quora

Are you a new mom struggling to get a good night’s sleep? Then this new and helpful hack from a British mum is what you want to hear.
For reasons you will soon find out, the dads need to be kept out of this little secret – at least for now. Soon, you’ll find that your sleep times will become longer and more enjoyable.

Caring For New Babies is Hard

Source: Quora

For parents, there’s arguably nothing better than the joy of a newborn baby. The sight of their innocent and adorable faces can make anyone light up. But the enormous responsibility that comes with caring for them isn’t something anyone enjoys.
Unfortunately, taking care of babies is mentally and physically draining, especially for mothers whose attention the infants need the most. Moms just have to be available.

Moms Need All the Help They Can Get

Source: Quora

Attending to a newborn’s needs could be less enjoyable than working three jobs. Newly born babies cry, eat, poop, and cry even more. The cycle just continues. They basically need round-the-clock attention.
The task can be pretty overwhelming even for two people, let alone just one. Mothers need every help possible during this arduous period. But not many fathers offer as much help as they should.

Many Times, The Help Isn't Enough

Source: Quora

In some cases, fathers do lend a helping hand – mostly with bottle-feeding the babies and comforting them when they are upset. Fathers may also assist by cooking, washing dishes, changing the baby’s diapers, and giving moms emotional support.
But as helpful as many dads can be, moms still bear a significantly larger chunk of the burden of sleepless nights and baggy eyes.

A Podcast Interview Brings Up the Issue

Source: X

A podcast has dedicated an episode to discussing the challenges moms face while caring for newborns. LuAnna: The Podcast, hosted by comedians Luisa Zissman and Anna Williamson enlightened listeners about how mothers can come out of the ordeal with less stress.
The hosts x-rayed a testimony by a British mom on how she breezed through the early motherhood period without much hassle. Let’s hear it.

A Clever Mum Shows Us the Way Out

Source: X

“I have never told anyone this but my husband and I came to an arrangement when we had our first child that I would do the night feeds and he would do the day feeds,” the mom’s story began.
“He would wake up around 5:30 to take our baby girl downstairs for her morning feed, leaving me to get a few hours of uninterrupted rest before he started work for the day,” she continued.

Finally, Some Breakthrough

Source: Quora

Although she secured her husband’s help, the mom remained sleep-deprived especially as she had to keep awake through the night and even parts of the day after her husband left for work.
But after about 10 weeks, things began to change. The baby began to sleep more hours at night, thereby allowing the mom to enjoy more sleep. “Around 10 weeks, baby girl dropped her night feeds and I had a blissful night’s sleep.

…and Some Undeserved Sympathy

Source: Quora

In addition to getting more night’s sleep, the mother continued to enjoy even more of those additional daytime rests after complaining to her husband about “how awful my night had been.”
The mother maintained the clever but a little bit dubious arrangement until the baby grew much older and less demanding of attention. Surprisingly, the podcast hosts endorsed the idea.

The Hosts and Praised the Plan

Source: X

The hosts were pretty impressed with the plan, describing it as “genius” and “the best mom hack ever.” The mom also justified the approach. “I don’t regret it at all, ladies, we go through enough, let the men have some of the load,” she advised.
The hosts further encouraged ladies to practice the hack by writing “Do what you’ve gotta do!” on the video’s caption on Tiktok.

Some Viewers Too

Source: Quora

Many viewers also showed support for the idea in the comments section with a few confessing to have done something similar. One comment read “This has the same energy as when I used to say I was going food shopping but I’d already ordered it to collect so I could sit with a coffee for a bit.”
A viewer said “This is the life hack I needed,” while another one wrote “I could have used this tidbit of information when I had my baby. We done it the wrong way around.”

Others Didn’t Find it Funny

Source: Quora

However, many other comments showed disapproval of the plan, calling it deceptive and manipulative plus some criticism for the hosts.
“I [sic] professional relationship coach calling dishonesty ‘Genius’. I would always do morning feeds. I’m a morning person, you don’t need to lie, just talk,” one comment read. “My conscience would be killing me about lying and manipulation,” another viewer wrote.

The Video Gained Popularity

Source: Quora

Like it or not, the video which was uploaded to Tiktok under the podcast account with the username @everything_luanna went viral. The account has amassed over 215,000 followers with several of its video posts garnering more than a million views.
This video is its highest-viewed post with over 2.7 million views. Is this hack something you could try? The decision is entirely up to you.