Saturday, September 7, 2024
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These Smells Will Keep Squirrels and Chipmunks From Your Garden

These Smells Will Keep Squirrels and Chipmunks From Your Garden
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These Smells Will Keep Squirrels and Chipmunks From Your Garden

Source: Pinterest

Do squirrels and chipmunks destroy your garden at home? Here are simple tips to keep the pests away using different smells. 

Squirrels and Chipmunks in the Garden?

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Squirrels and chipmunks may be cute, but the damage they do to gardens is not. These little pests love to dig and burrow, causing significant damage. Most garden owners feel particularly upset when they have spent hours tending to their precious gardens only to see one of these adorable creatures reverse all the work in a few minutes. Here are a few tips to keep them away from your garden using smells.

Predator Urine

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This is a very simple method to keep these little animals away from your precious garden. It is also quite easy to do, as predator urine is available at garden centers and farm co-ops. Apply the scents around your garden perimeter and trick the squirrels and chipmunks into believing there is a predator around. This way, they will stay away from the garden as they do not want to run into a predator, and your plants will be safe.


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People who know peppermint know that it has a powerful smell. Therefore, one can take advantage of this strong odor to keep pests like squirrels and chipmunks away. All one needs to do is soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and scatter them around the garden or close to the plant you wish to protect. You can also use a peppermint oil and water solution and spray as desired in the garden.  

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Cayenne pepper

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Using cayenne pepper is another way to keep chipmunks and squirrels away from your garden plants. It can be used as flakes or ground peppers around the garden. The pepper has a strong smell, which is also quite spicy and unpleasant to most animals. Whether you mix it with water to create a spray or sprinkle the pepper powder around the plants, it’ll greatly discourage animals from your garden. 


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Garlic has many uses, including its potent scent. Freshly cut garlic is one of the easiest ways to keep pests away. Crushed garlic cloves or their oil form can also drive annoying pets away. You can also mix the oil with water to increase its size and spray it around your garden as you please. 


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Eucalyptus oil is one of the strongest scents in the plant world. However, squirrels and chipmunks do not like this strong smell. Therefore, you can use it to keep them away from your garden plants. All you need to do is soak cotton balls in eucalyptus oil and spread them around the garden so the pests can smell it whenever they’re close.

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Castor Oil

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Castor oil is another potent smell that can strongly discourage pests. Like peppermint oil, you can mix it with water and use a spray bottle to spread it around your garden or close to your plants. However, you must be very careful not to spray the plants directly, as this can have a negative effect on them. 


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Humans love lavender oil and anything derived from it. However, this nice-smelling oil can be very unpleasant to pests such as squirrels and chipmunks. To use it, soak cotton balls in the oil and speed them around the garden or close to the desired plants. This will keep most pests away, thereby ensuring the safety of the garden’s plants. 


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Rosemary leaves are quite potent and have a very strong scent. Therefore, you can use this to your advantage if squirrels or chipmunks invade your garden. To use, mix rosemary oil with water and spray around the garden. Another option is to crush the rosemary leaves and scatter them around the garden or desired plants.

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This is another hack that is quite simple yet effective. Lemon oil or lemon juice can keep squirrels or chipmunks far away from your garden. All you have to do is mix the juice or oil with water and spray around your plants or the garden perimeter. Lemon is easy to find and a go-to option for many. 


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Pine can be used to discourage these animals in two ways. You can mix pine oil with water and spray it around your garden or the plant you want to protect. An alternative is to use pine needles. Scatter them around the plants or the perimeter of your garden, and these really cute pests will never bother you and your plants again!

Other Solutions You Should Try

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It is important to note that the tips above are sometimes not permanent solutions. Therefore, if you’re having a serious infestation, consulting with your local garden store would be best. They may recommend more professional methods, such as traps and physical barriers, to keep these animals away and prevent them from ruining your beautiful plants. 

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