Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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These Hacks Will Give Your Living Room a More Luxurious Look

These Hacks Will Give Your Living Room a More Luxurious Look

These Hacks Will Give Your Living Room a More Luxurious Look

Source: Quora

Renowned interior designers understand that luxury means much more than simply being expensive. This piece of wisdom comes in handy if you are looking to transform your living room into a haven of comfort and elegance.
Ride along and let’s show you simple but clever ideas that will transform your room.

What is Required for a Luxurious Living Room?

Source: Quora

Some experts have bared their minds about what a luxury interior means and they’ve been almost unanimous about their perceptions. In the opinion of leading interior designer, Nicolene Mausenbaum, it’s all about satisfaction.
“It’s about creating an elevated experience that engages all your senses, particularly paying attention to detail to achieve an upscale look and feel,” she said. Let’s see how.

Utilize Multiple Textures

Source: Quora

Interestingly, there are a number of textures that are traditionally associated with luxury. Silk and velvet are some of them. In the contrary, although others such as cotton, wool, and linen surely have their strengths, but when it’s about communicating elegance, they don’t sufficiently hit the mark.
Consequently, it’s a great idea to enrich your room with furnishings made from these textures. They are more comforting to touch and feel and interestingly, that’s one manifestation of luxury.

Add Wall Paneling

Source: Quora

Plain walls don’t really cut it if we are serious about creating a luxurious feel. You can easily add some architectural touch to those walls with wall paneling.
Surprisingly, it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. If you are feeling in a creative mood, try some DIY wall paneling. Alternatively, you could use some fake wall paneling wallpapers.

Pay Attention to the Little Details

Source: Pinterest

In our zeal to transform our spaces, it’s easy to focus on the bigger and more visible items. But experienced interior designers know that the seemingly little things matter as well.
Actions like replacing the handles on cupboards and drawers with gold or bronze finishes will make a huge difference. Also, go for mirrors with gold-colored, flashy, and well-designed frames.

Boost Sophistication Through Your Color Choice

Source: Quora

Your choice of colors plays a crucial role in the elegance of your living room. While neutral colors are cool and welcoming, surprisingly, they don’t quite exude luxurious qualities. The regular white and off-white look too ordInstead, go for colors that are richer and deeper-toned such as brown, burgundy, dark green, and navy blue. Also, consider painting your ceilings with the same color as your walls.

Say No to Blank Walls

Source: Quora

Blank walls have nothing to do with royalty and luxury. Whether it’s the White House, Buckingham Palace, or wherever else affluence resides the walls are never empty.
You don’t have to break the bank for those high-end art pieces either. Fortunately, there are beautiful art pieces that can do the job. But remember not to crowd the walls. A few large pieces of art here and there are perfect.

Add Some Posh Layer Lighting

Source: Quora

Layer lighting simply entails beautifying your room with several light sources and types. These include uplighting, downlighting, LED lights, wall lights, and decorative lights.
Incorporate two or more of these lighting sources and watch your living room exude that grand and elegant atmosphere. Pay particular attention to ascent lighting (which is lighting that highlights specific aspects of the room) to finish up the good job.

Use Floor to Ceiling Curtains

Source: Quora

Curtains play a key role in how elegant your living room will be. Specifically, the length of your curtains matters a whole lot.
Full-length curtains, that is curtains that reach from the ceiling to the floors will add a touch of luxury to your room. Hang them as high as possible and make sure they are made of silk, velvet, and any other material that looks palatial.

The Position of Your Television Matters

Source: Quora

The Television set is one of the most conspicuous items in your living room. Therefore, it’s great to add a touch of grandeur to it. We strongly suggest installing a built-in cabinet.
According to Joanna Humphreys, a decor expert, “Adding warmth, style, and ambiance, a media wall can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere whilst also creating an interesting focal point.”

Declutter Your Space

Source: Quora

Having lots of furniture and other living room items isn’t a sign of class or elegance. On the contrary, it robs your room of that touch of luxury. Ensure that you don’t overdo things during your living room makeover.
Even after you are done, keep unnecessary items off your living room tables. Objects such as toys, cables, magazines, jewelry, and remotes should be kept out of sight.

Add Some Mystery Furniture

Source: Quora

There’s always that vintage piece of furniture that will hold your visitors spellbound. Interestingly, they don’t have to be new or expensive. They could also be homeware made of wood, stone, or ceramic.
If you dig into the items at the second-hand furniture shop close to you, you may discover these mystery pieces that could provide most of the luxury that could make the difference. Enjoy your new-look living room!