Wednesday, September 25, 2024
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Three-time Super Bowl Winner Sparks Outrage with Commencement Speech About Women’s Roles

Three-time Super Bowl Winner Sparks Outrage with Commencement Speech About Women’s Roles
Source: @InterStarMedia /X

Three-time Super Bowl Winner Sparks Outrage With Commencement Speech About Women’s Roles

Source: @EvanAKilgore/X

Graduates from a Kansas school hoped that the anticipated kicker, Harrison Butker from the Kansas City Chiefs, could encourage them to seek employment afterward at his graduation address.

In contrast, he asserted in the address that he made that all that women ought to strive toward in their lives is becoming a spouse and a mother who stays home with her kids, stating that unless they attain this, their existences cannot truly commence.

The Refusal to Form Families

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Butker probably felt that it was okay to discuss how women can only truly feel content as long as they are married and remain at home with their kids because a large portion of Generation Z, which is the demographic that was receiving their degrees, is currently choosing not to have children.

Rather than prioritizing parenting their children, many put greater emphasis on accomplishing their own objectives. This involves achieving their ideal job, exploring the world, and contributing to culture.

Women Belong at Home

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In his address at Benedictine College, an exclusive Catholic liberal arts college in Kansas, Butker predicted that the recent graduates’ greatest lifetime accomplishment would not be these. It is where they actually turn into stay-at-home moms.

While congratulating the young women on their academic accomplishments, Butker also made some contentious remarks directed at them, which have received a lot of scrutiny online.

His spouse plays the greatest significant part.

Source: @thattradgal/X

Butker’s comment that his partner’s life only truly began after she became a wife and mother was arguably among the most divisive themes in his speech. He continued by saying that as a housewife, she has the most significant position in existence.

Although Butker was unsure of the younger grads’ responses, he was obviously moved to share his opinions with them. These traditional Catholic beliefs might have influenced these remarks

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He also mentioned the Pride Month

Source: US Embassy Montevideo/Flickr

During his address, Butker not only made inflammatory remarks regarding women becoming housewives but also took the opportunity to bash Pride Month.

Although he made several fairly subtle remarks, it was quite clear exactly what he was trying to say. Butker spoke of a grave sin-style hubris that enjoys a month-long celebration. Some people surmised that his comment was referring to the aforementioned, especially since June is Pride Month.

He also mentioned Joe Biden

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Even though they belong to the same Catholic church, Butker disapproves of some of the initiatives Biden implemented while in office and targets a few of them in his address.

He talked about how the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling was overturned, how he thought women ought to remain allowed to get abortions, and how Biden dealt with the COVID-19 outbreak improperly.

Students will be affected by Poor Regulations

Source: Pinterest

Butker made his remarks on Biden and COVID-19 while pointing out that, although the epidemic might have appeared to be an unusual occurrence, inept policies targeting people in the United States are by no means new.

He claimed that unfavorable laws pertaining to euthanasia, fertility treatments, surrogacy, and abortion might have had a big impact on everybody. Such regulations ought to be kept at the forefront by graduating students because of the implications these regulations will have on their lives after graduation.

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He further attacked bishops and priests in the Catholic Church

Source: Pinterest

Butker, who is a Catholic, used the address as an occasion to attack Catholic bishops and priests. He advised them to put more effort into imitating St. Damien of Molokai while placing less emphasis on what influential people in society and culture believe about them.

In addition, he suggested that clerics should speak more frequently to bring back the tradition of believers kissing the priest’s ring because they are hardly heard about nowadays. If a bishop releases something of importance currently, nobody else looks over it or studies it.

A few alumni applauded his remarks

Source: @pghjoker/X

The graduating class appeared to demonstrate differing views on Butker’s address. A few expressed their admiration towards this, including one stating how it appeared evident in his remarks how much he cherished his family members.

Someone else said becoming a stay-at-home mother is an excellent choice and a wonderful chance in life. This person intends to take a year off to work as an educator before attending law school. She continued by saying she knew several would have careers besides being mothers.

There have been some Critics

Source: @dannydeurbina/X

While several of the grads expressed gratitude, some were not as persuaded. Many weren’t moved at all by Butker’s remarks.

One graduate, who is pursuing a medical degree, took issue with Butker’s remarks regarding church officials in addition to his position regarding members of the LGBTQ+ community. According to the graduate, individuals need to be free to identify with the individuals they desire without being informed that whatever they engage in is immoral.

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Social Media

Source: @antoniajallan/X

As is common with nearly everything in today’s world, numerous individuals used the Internet to share their thoughts regarding Butker’s address after word got out.

Users of One X, a platform that was once Twitter, commented on Butker’s opinion, claiming the remarks were laden with discrimination and racism. Others responded, agreeing to certain aspects of the remarks but maintaining that women ought to possess the freedom to live their lives in whatever way they see fit. Others expressed disbelief, pointing out that since he presented an address, Benedictine College had probably consented to all that he had stated.

The Impact of his Address

Source: Theonewhoknowsnothingatall/Wikimedia Commons

After Butker prepared and gave his statement, he may have failed to consider how it would resonate with the individuals present, the entire population of the globe, and how others felt about athletic activities in general and the Chiefs of Kansas City in particular.

The NFL has already made it apparent that it firmly disagrees with Butker’s remarks, even if the Chiefs are still not reacting to that address. It was also evident that his remarks seemed subjective in nature and were not reflective of the sport’s business as a whole.

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