Saturday, October 5, 2024
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Report Shows Over 30,000 Chinese Nationals Have Crossed the Southern Border Into the US Illegally

Report Shows Over 30,000 Chinese Nationals Have Crossed the Southern Border Into the US Illegally
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Report Shows Over 30,000 Chinese Nationals Have Crossed the Southern Border Into the US Illegally

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The issue of illegal migration into the United States is becoming a major concern. Efforts have been made to subside unlawful migration to the country. However, despite these efforts, people from different countries still find awkward means to cross into the country illegally through borders. 

Recently, it has been reported that over 30,000 Chinese nationals crossed the southern border of the United States illegally. These Chinese immigrants could cross into the United States using Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, to learn how to cross the border. 

Chinese Illegal Immigrants Were Caught Trying To Cross Into the Country

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Recently, the southern border of the United States has experienced a large influx of illegal migration from different countries. 

The report shows that since October 2023, at least about 30,000 Chinese illegal migrants have been caught trying to cross into the country. The US border guards arrested these illegal immigrants. 

Data Shows Chinese Nationals Have Been Increasingly Crossing Illegally Into the US Since 2021

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According to reports, Chinese nationals have been increasingly crossing illegally through the southern border into the United States since 2021.

In 2021, about 342 Chinese nationals crossed into the US illegally, and this number increased to about 24,000 Chinese by 2023. More are still reportedly trying to cross into the country by 2024.

People From Different Nationalities Are Also Part of the Southern Border Crisis

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It is not just the Chinese nationals trying to cross into the United States through the southern border. People from different countries have also been caught, especially those from Latin, Central and South America. 

The data survey on the southern border crisis shows that many people from around the world are involved in the border problem.

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California-Mexico Border As the Major Migration Center

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The California-Mexico Border has been the major center through which most Chinese nationals have been crossing illegally into the country. 

Reports have it that they especially cross illegally into the country through the San Diego border area. Amid a large and continuous influx of illegal Chinese migrants, the border patrols have been caught off guard and have had to reduce the number of questions they ask the Chinese illegal nationals from forty to just five. 

Difficulty in Sending Illegal Migrants Back to Their Countries

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One of the challenges of the border crisis is the difficulty of sending illegal migrants back to their countries. This is so because most illegal migrants coming to the country tend to destroy their identity cards on the Mexican side of the border. 

This made it difficult for border patrol agents to properly identify where they came from so they could deport them back to their country. 

Reason for Chinese Illegal Migration Into the United States

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The United States, being one of the most powerful nations in the world, continues to experience a large increase in illegal migration. People from different countries give reasons for wanting to be a resident of the country. 

Some claim they are fleeing from oppression or life-threatening situations. In short, most of them file for asylum. However, Chinese nationals claim they are leaving their country for economic reasons.

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Why Can’t Chinese Nationals File for Asylum?

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Recently, it has been difficult for Chinese nationals to file for asylum in the United States. Hence, they cite the economic difficulties they are facing in their homeland. 

Many Chinese nationals who came into the United States illegally have filed for asylum in the past. To do something different, the new ones use economic challenges as an excuse. 

Helping One Another

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The illegal Chinese immigrants who are just coming into the country are being helped by Chinese migrants who are already settled in the country.

Some of these illegal migrants have families and friends already in the country, so when the patrol agents arrest and release the newly arrived, they are picked up by their friends or family, who help them settle down in the country. 

Struggling Chinese Nationals Mostly Take the Risk of Crossing Borders Illegally

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Reports have shown that it is mostly the struggling people in China who are taking the risk of crossing borders illegally into the United States. 

When they eventually get the opportunity to settle in the United States, they get a laboring job. When they start earning dollars, they feed some and send some back home to their families in China. 

Crossing Illegally Into the United States in Numbers

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The United States borders have experienced different kinds of illegal migration into the country over the years. They’ve seen Mexicans illegally cross into the country in numbers, they’ve also seen Africans cross into the country illegally in numbers, and many other nationals, too.

Currently, Chinese nationals seem to be the new set of humans crossing into the country in numbers, and they have been increasing now and then since 2021.

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Despite the Far Distance, Chinese Nationals Still Find Their Way to US Borders

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The Chinese nationals are crossing into the country simultaneously. It is like a new trend. The border patrols have arrested thousands of them, and they still keep arresting more. 

What surprises people is the distance from China to California, yet they still find their way to the San Diego border in numbers. China lies about 7,000 miles away from the San Diego border. 

Deportation Agreement Between China and the United States

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According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement acting chief Patrick J. Lechleitner, there is an ongoing arrangement with the Chinese government to create deportation agreements between China and the United States. 

The large influx of Chinese illegal migrants into the country has brought about security concerns, and there are several measures currently ongoing to look into it.

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