Friday, October 18, 2024
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Report Shows Liberal Taxpayers Have Paid Over $30 Million for DEI Consultants Since 2019

Report Shows Liberal Taxpayers Have Paid Over $30 Million for DEI Consultants Since 2019
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Report Shows Liberal Taxpayers Have Paid Over $30 Million for DEI Consultants Since 2019

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The past couple of years have seen an increase in the debate over Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) practices. In the United States of America and some neighboring countries like Canada, people have questioned the validity of DEI programs and policies in schools, government, and society at large. A huge reason for this debate is the high-cost implications of DEI. 

The DEI Debate

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The entire country seems quite divided regarding DEI matters. Some people believe that DEI is not necessary and causes more harm than good. However, others believe that DEI practices are very important, and what the country needs is stronger implementation of DEI policies across all sectors. People of color and immigrants are the major supporters of DEI. 


Companies Abandon DEI

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Many companies are beginning to stop their DEI practices, especially during the hiring process. They believe that it would be more beneficial to focus on skills when hiring rather than focusing on diversity. However, this can have a negative impact as many people may feel less inclined to accept a job offer in a company that does not practice DEI or believe that it sis important.

Schools Scrap DEI

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School bodies, including colleges and universities, are also frontrunners in dismissing DEI practices. Ever since the Supreme Court ruled that schools and colleges should not use DEI policies in their hiring and admissions process, many of them have dropped DEI in its entirety. In addition, schools are banned from using government funding to support DEI. So, most schools have no other source of funding for the DEI offices and staff.


$30 Million Spent

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Canada’s liberal government carried out an official analysis of the cost implications of DEI consultants’ funding over the past five years. These consultants worked in many areas, including systemic racism theory, to ensure diversity, equality, and inclusion in the country. The analysis found that the government has spent about $30 million of taxpayers’ dollars on DEI since 2019.

ALSO READ: Why Are Schools Abandoning DEI Initiatives?

The Disbursement of Funds

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This money went into several aspects of the government. For example, the Canadian National Defense received the highest cut of $9,326,278.67 to reform the country’s military system. The Canadian Employment and Social Development Department also received $6,964,882.69 to help minorities in their workplaces. The Parole Board and Canadian Heritage got $2,268,488.46 and $1,720,081.33, respectively. 



Some Agencies Spent Less

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However, some other Canadian government agencies did not spend up to millions of dollars on DEI like the aforementioned ones. For example, the Canadian Grain Commission spent just $412.50, and the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) spent only $360. The Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada also got $7,755 out of the $30 million that was calculated. 

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2023’s High Spending

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The $30 million was spent over five years, from 2019 to 2024. However, the analysis also showed that more than a third of that money, $12.70 million, was spent in 2023 alone. The year before that, the government spent $5.94 million on DEI. In 2021, 2020, and 2019, the Canadian government spent $5.74 million, $1.82 million, and $1.75 million, respectively. This year, the government has spent $2.27 million so far. 



DEI Programs

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Since taxpayers always want to know how the government spends their money, it was important for the Canadian government to break down its DEI spending. Therefore, the report sought to do this. Some of the other programs that the money was spent on include pride celebrations, seminars about sex change at the Veterans Review and Appeal Board, cooking lessons, and more. 

White Supremacy

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The government disbursed the funds depending on how much each agency needed at the time. Therefore, these agencies can choose what to spend their funding on. In February, during Black History Month, the National Defense spent $22,600 on Dr. Rachel Zellar to be a guest speaker in the military. She has been very vocal about the constant issue of white supremacy in the military.

ALSO READ: Romance Writer Group President Blames DEI, Pandemic for Bankruptcy


The Sports Industry 

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The sports industry is also an important aspect that requires more DEI support, and the Canadian government has also mentioned trying to help reduce discrimination and inequality there. The implementation of DEI in sports helps Black people, women, girls, people with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ+ society who are otherwise discriminated against. However, diving into this will increase the expenses of DEI on the taxpayers’ money. 

The LGBTQIA+ Community

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Part of the $30 million also went to initiatives that help the LGBTQIA+ community. This includes $79.10 for gender-neutral signs and $165.68 for transgender pride flags. In addition, the LGBTQ+ community also received $18,500 from Veterans Affairs Canada in collaboration with Egale Canada. There was also money spent on workshops for non-binary writing for members of the community who wanted to learn how to write in English or French. 

The Canadian and American people believe that they are inclusive enough and do not need to spend more taxpayer dollars on DEI. However, a study has found that the U.S., Canada, and even the U.K. are not as inclusive as they think they are. The study named the Netherlands the most inclusive country in the world, causing Canadians to be upset because $30 million of taxpayer money went into DEI, but it didn’t yield the expected results. 

Study Reveals Unexpected Results 

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The Canadian and American people believe that they are inclusive enough and do not need to spend more taxpayer dollars on DEI. However, a study has found that the U.S., Canada, and even the U.K. are not as inclusive as they think they are. The study named the Netherlands the most inclusive country in the world, causing Canadians to be upset because $30 million of taxpayer money went into DEI, but it didn’t yield the expected results. 

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