Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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Democrats Warn Biden Against Positive Economic Rhetoric While Citizens Struggle

Democrats Warn Biden Against Positive Economic Rhetoric While Citizens Struggle
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Democrats Warn Biden Against Positive Economic Rhetoric While Citizens Struggle

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In an election year such as this, relatability and honesty are important when aspiring candidates talk to voters, especially regarding serious issues.

However, President Joe Biden has only been focusing on the positive aspects of the country during his press runs, causing worry among Democrats. 

President Joe Biden’s Tenure 

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President Joe Biden’s tenure is slowly coming to an end this year. While the Democratic president is vying for another term, his fellow Democrats are getting worried about his campaign style.

They claim that he has only been focusing on the positive aspects of the country while evading the difficult economic problems, which can have a negative impact on voters. 

The General Perception of the Economy

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The president has been citing favorable data and statistics to make people feel like the economy is booming. However, this method might come back to haunt him as the general perception of the economy is quite different. This can cause a huge disconnect between him and favorable voters, as most people already believe that his rosy picture is false. 

Democrats Reach Out

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The Democrats in Congress have reached out to the president to try to make him change his approach to a more compassionate and relatable one.

Biden himself was quite surprised in an interview with the Wall Street Journal when he noted that people were seeing him as unconcerned.  He reassured them by saying that he knows people are hurting and he cares about them. 

Biden Aides Are Worried

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The Wall Street Journal also reports that many of Biden’s aides are trying to push him to gain a broader understanding of the economy and how tough it is for some struggling voters.

This way, Biden can reposition his campaign messages and show some empathy and compassion for those who are greatly affected by the current state of the economy.

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Trying the New Strategy

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In recent times, the president seems to have been trying out this new strategy while on his press run. He has been acknowledging the struggle of the American people while also emphasizing that his administration was already making progress.

Biden also responded to a recent release of the April Consumer Price Index, saying that he knows that people are struggling, but his administration has made a lot of progress.

Balancing the Good and the Bad

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Jared Bernstein, the Chair of the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers, also told the Wall Street Journal that the president is well aware of the way families are struggling with the constant inflation.

However, he also noted that it is only normal for Biden to point out the very important economic wins that his administration has achieved. 

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Republicans Capitalize

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Since most Americans see the country’s economy as bad, the Republicans are looking to capitalize on it. They want Biden to take full responsibility for all the bad parts of the economy, tilting the voters towards voting for the Republican Party candidate, Donald Trump. Republican Representative Don Bacon said that Biden looked out of touch with reality as he talked about the ‘good’ economy. 

The ‘Bidenomics’ Phrase

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The president’s many critics have found a new phrase to describe economics from Biden’s perspective. They termed it ‘Bidenomics’, and they mainly use it to describe economic problems such as inflation, rising gas prices, and increased cost of rent. The ‘Bidenomics’ phrase has been damaging the president’s campaign despite his efforts to make things look good. 

How Americans Feel

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Regardless of Biden’s positive approach, the economic data metrics, and numbers, most Americans do not believe that the county’s economy is thriving. In fact, they believe the opposite is the case.

Just last week, the Guardian published an article that states that three out of five Americans believe the country is in a state of recession. The majority of them also blame the Biden administration for this. 

ALSO READ: Biden Announces $6.1 Billion Student Debt Forgiveness for Art Students 

Decrease in Consumer Confidence

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The Gallup Economic Confidence Index also reported last month that Americans have noted a drop in confidence about the economy for the first time since October last year.

The index says that American economic sentiments are at -29 on a scale of -100 to +100. The poll also noted that the prices of essential items like gas prices have also been subject to inflation in recent months. 

Was Trump’s Administration Better? 

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Many reports have shown that people believe the economy was better under Donald Trump than it was under Joe Biden’s rule. Therefore, many voters are attributing a more steady economy to Trump’s tenure, giving the former president many bragging rights.

Trump has undoubtedly capitalized on this, claiming that his administration gave the country its greatest economy in history. 

Biden Grew Some Parts of the Economy

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While some parts of the economy are indeed growing, most people are focusing on the negative. The Biden administration is also not getting any credit in the minds of voters as people continue to struggle daily due to the bad parts.

A former Biden White House communications director, Kate Bedingfield, noted that the general perception is that while some parts of the economy are getting stronger, people are not feeling it properly in their day-to-day lives. 

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