Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Dazzling Older Women on Instagram and TikTok Share Their Easy Hacks for a Radiant Skin

Dazzling Older Women on Instagram and TikTok Share Their Easy Hacks for a Radiant Skin

Dazzling Older Women on Instagram and TikTok Share Their Easy Hacks for a Radiant Skin

Source: Quora

There is no want of beauty trends on the streets of social media. But in our opinion, the tips with the upper hand are those that have stood the test of time, passed on from one generation to the other.
That’s why we’ve compiled a list of skin care secrets from older women on Tiktok. These hacks will transform your skin just like theirs.

Get a Retin-A or Tretinoin Prescription

Source: Quora

“If I had to do it all over again, I would invest in my skincare routine sooner rather than later,” says Shalonda Miles, social media content creator. Specifically, Miles is suggesting a Vitamin product, Retin-A, or acne treatment cream, Tretinoin.
“Run to your dermatologist and ask for a prescription,” she advised. These products will solve acne, Hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles, and generally improve your skin health.

Vitamin C Helps a Great Deal

Source: Quora

The advantages your skin can receive from Vitamin C haven’t gotten as much publicity as they deserve. These range from preventing sun damage through its antioxidant properties to wrinkles smoothing, to scar healing.
60-year-old Cynthia Gouw, a beauty influencer, has reminded us to pay attention to this vitamin and reduce the attention to more sophisticated skin care drugs.

Vaseline Does Magic

Source: Quora

“I love Vaseline more than my husband,” jokes luxury content creator, Tomiko Harvey who is in her 50s.
“I rub Vaseline on my wrist, legs, and neck daily before applying my favorite scent because Vaseline acts like a skin primer, and the fragrance adheres to your skin,” she revealed. She said Vaseline stays on the skin for a long while and helps perfumes last longer.

Your Skin Needs Good Sleep

Source: Quora

Life can get so demanding that we neglect to get a good quality night’s rest. Unknowingly, this habit can harm our skin in various ways.
“Lack of sleep can lead to puffy eyes, dull skin, and an overall tired-looking appearance. Prioritize getting 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body to rejuvenate,” says 54-year-old blogger and Tiktoker, Jo Placencio.

Remove Makeup With Olive Oil

Source: Quora

Following the advice of Michelle Baratta-Detwiler, olive oil is a secret but powerful enhancer for the skin. The fashion and DIY content creator found this out thanks to her Italian background plus its effectiveness in makeup removal.
Nah! It won’t clog your pores or make your skin oiler. It just produces more nourishment and hydration. Olive oil also has antioxidant properties in addition to its rich Vitamin E and K content that she promises will give your skin a soft, smooth, and radiant look.

…Or With Any Other Natural Oil

Source: Quora

Alternatively, other natural oils such as jojoba oil and coconut oil will do a great job. First, slather your oil of choice and rub it gently into your skin and around and over your eyes. Don’t fret, there won’t be any irritation.
Next, get a washcloth dipped in very hot water, squeeze out the water, and place the piece of cloth over your face till it cools down. Fascinatingly, your makeup will be nowhere to be found.

Chemical Peels Can Do Your Skin a Whole Lot of Good

Source: Quora

Blogger and fashion influencer, Elaine Davis drew our attention to chemical peels. She has confirmed that they improve fine lines and lighten hyperpigmentation. They also help the skin better absorb skincare products.
“They range from superficial peels to deep peels according to skin type and results desired. When administered by a trained professional, they can be game-changing for the skin,” she said.

Apply Sunscreen

Source: Quora

Sunscreen and SPF are two popular words in the beauty and skincare community. According to 71-year-old Sonia Lovett, their popularity is pretty justified.
“SPF is so important,” she said. “It glides on beautifully, disappears into the skin, and doesn’t change my skin tone. You can seek out all facelifts in the world, but if you don’t take care of those three areas, you will not have accomplished what a facelift is meant for.”

Ponds Cold Cream Works

Source: Quora

Tiffany Dietz advises that you don’t conclude your night beauty/skincare routine without Ponds Cold Cream. “On Tiktok, they call it slugging now,” the 51-year-old social media influencer revealed.
She inherited the culture from her grandma who had incredibly healthy skin. “We used it religiously starting in our late teens. Now we use all types of creams, but if you were to take a look in our bathrooms, our Ponds Cold Cream is front and center on our mirrored trays.”

Embrace Your Natural Beauty

Source: Quora

Don’t get lost chasing trends and applying dozens of beauty and skincare hacks. Showcasing your natural beauty could be the best step you will ever take.
“Trends come and go, but what makes you unique is timeless. Thirty years from now, you will be astonished at how beautiful you are. You’ll also be sad that you spent so much time following the ever-changing whims of popular trends,” said Jennifer Ebelhar, a 69-year-old style coach.

Don't Follow Every Trend

Source: Quora

There’s never a time there will be a shortage of beauty and skincare trends. People will always discover new ways to achieve glowing skin. But you will be making a mistake by blindly following every trend that pops up.
Be choosy about what trends to pursue. Some work and others don’t. Some are harmful and some are safe. Consult your dermatologists and any other reliable source for wisdom before picking a trend. Cheers to healthy and radiant skin!