Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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Data Reveals More Americans Are Migrating to Mexico

Data Reveals More Americans Are Migrating to Mexico
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Data Reveals More Americans Are Migrating to Mexico

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The United States of America has been battling an immigration crisis for the past few years, which has gotten worse over time. People have been crossing from Mexico and other neighboring countries into the U.S. at an alarming rate. However, new data shows that there are also many Americans who have migrated to Mexico over the past year. 

Mexico Notices a Surge 

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Reports say that Mexicans and Latinos have been the major contributors to America’s immigration crisis. Therefore, as more migrants crossed the southern border into the country, America’s border crisis increased as well. However, reports show that Americans have also been crossing over the Mexican border at a surging rate. This shows that the high level of crossings over the southern border is not one-sided.  


American Migrants 

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This new data showed that many Americans have crossed over the southern border into Mexico for various reasons. While some are only there temporarily for a while, others are staying permanently. There were 625 Americans who crossed over to Mexico between January and April this year. This is more than double the amount that was recorded last year at 310 migrations. 

Males Are Migrating More Than Females

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More males were also making this journey than women when the results of the data were analyzed. From January to April, 407 American males crossed the border into Mexico. On the other hand, only 218 females crossed from the U.S. into Mexico via the southern border. The reason for this disparity is unknown, but it is a common trend that migrants are usually made up of more males than females.


Why Are Americans Migrating to Mexico?

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This question is quite subjective, and many people have various reasons for moving. Both those who move temporarily and those who are there for permanent stay have different reasons why they chose Mexico. Records also show that many Americans have chosen to live in Mexico because the cost of living is more affordable as rent, property prices, and other important costs are lower than in the U.S. 

Affordable Living Standards 

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Older Americans, including senior citizens and people who have retired, have also been proven to prefer moving to Mexico to spend the rest of their days. This is because most U.S. cities have a very high cost of living that they cannot afford or deem too high to spend their life savings on. Therefore, it has been proven that it is much cheaper to move across the southern border and live in Mexico. 


Affordable Healthcare

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Another reason Americans may choose to move to Mexico either temporarily or permanently is the availability of more affordable healthcare. Over the years, healthcare in the United States of America has become very expensive, and not many people can afford these bills. Therefore, they may have chosen to live in Mexico due to the availability of affordable medications, surgeries, and medical treatments. 

Migration Goes Both Ways 

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While the members of the U.S. Congress are fixated on the problem of immigration from Mexico into the U.S., they have not had their eyes on Americans who are going into Mexico, too. However, recent data shows that Mexico is also seeing an increased influx of American migrants. While the number of American immigrants is still relatively lower than that of Mexicans, analysts will most likely be paying attention to this new trend. 


A Crisis 

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Over the past few years, the southern border has seen a surge in the migrants crossing from Mexico into the U.S. Therefore, many officials and lawmakers have called this a crisis as it keeps increasing with time. The most alarming problem is that the majority of these immigrants are crossing the southern border illegally and are undocumented. 

The President’s Executive Order

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Since reports of the illegal immigration surge started making waves, the Republicans in the U.S. have been pushing for a total ban on illegal entry into the country and deportation of those who are caught. They have also repeatedly bashed President Joe Biden for being passive and not implementing strict laws at the border. This influenced Biden’s decision to issue an executive order earlier in June this year. 


Biden Stopped Asylum from Illegal Migrants 

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Biden’s executive action involved the administration banning migrants from the southern border from receiving asylum in the U.S. if they enter the country illegally. This means that they would only be granted asylum if they entered the country through legal channels. The ports will also stop processing asylum applications if the number is more than 2,500 a day and will reopen when it falls below 1,500. 

No Significant Changes 

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However, this executive order may not be having the effect that they hoped it would. Since it was announced, not a lot has changed at the border. In fact, just a day after Biden’s executive actions were announced, the border control officers arrested 4,000 migrants who were trying to cross into the country illegally. After a few days, this number dropped a bit, but not by a wide margin. 


Possible Legal Battles

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The Biden administration tried many other ways to fix the problem before settling on the executive order, which was the last line of action. However, many people are not happy with this decision. Therefore, some unions and bodies, such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), have announced that they will challenge this decision in a court of law in the coming months.