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Climate Group Plans Major Summer Protest

A picture of Climate Defiance
Source: Pinterest

Climate Group Plans Major Summer Protest

Source: climatedefiance/X

Climate Defiance is organizing a major protest during the Congressional Baseball Game on June 12 at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C.

Climate Defiance announced their plan to stage a “historic blockade” during the annual Congressional Baseball Game. This game is where Republican and Democratic Congress members come together to play baseball. The group wants to use this event as a platform to challenge the ongoing subsidies given to fossil fuel industries. They believe that by disrupting this event, they can bring attention to the issue and advocate for change.

Climate Defiance Speaks on the Gravity of The Environmental Crisis

Source: Pinterest

Climate Defiance recently communicated about the seriousness of the environmental crisis. They emphasized the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for action to address it.

They said, “We
society, humanity are careening into an abyss. The decisions we make now will reverberate not for centuries, but for millennia. If we do not act now, boldly and swiftly, millions will die from storms and starvation.”

Climate Defiance Founder Criticizes Congress Over Environmental Policies

Source: climatedefiance/X

In a statement to Fox News Digital, Michael Greenberg, the founder of Climate Defiance, criticized Congress for its environmental policies. He expressed his concerns about the actions (or lack thereof) taken by Congress to address the environmental issues we are facing.

He said, “So long as Congress torches our planet, we won’t give them a moment of rest. It is unconscionable that they play games while destroying our prospect for a decent future.”

The Protest Targets Congressional Baseball Game

Source: Pinterest

The protest organized by Climate Defiance is specifically targeting the Congressional Baseball Game, which has become a significant focus for their activism. They see this event as an opportunity to make a strong statement and draw attention to their cause.

The activists view the Congressional Baseball Game, which has been a longstanding tradition, as a symbol of political distraction from the pressing environmental issues at hand. They believe that the game diverts attention away from the urgent need for action on environmental concerns.

Previous Protest Was Called Off After Striking a Deal With Senate

Source: climatedefiance/X

Michael Greenberg, the founder of Climate Defiance, organized a similar protest two years ago that also targeted the Congressional Baseball Game.

However, the protest organized by Climate Defiance was called off two years ago. The reason behind it was that the U.S. Senate reached a deal on climate spending that aligned with the group’s demands, right before the scheduled game.

Emphasis On the Need For Urgency Over Climate Changes

Source: Pinterest

Climate Defiance made sure to emphasize the recent alarming climate data in their communications. They wanted to bring attention to the concerning information and use it as evidence to support their cause. By highlighting this data, they aimed to raise awareness about the urgency of addressing climate change and the need for immediate action.

They said, “This March was the warmest on record, the tenth month in a row that was the hottest ever. Our planet is burning, and Congress is playing baseball.”

Clamor Over Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Source: climatedefiance/X

The anticipated protest by Climate Defiance is targeting members from both political parties. They emphasize that both sides support fossil fuel subsidies. By doing so, they hope to shed light on the bipartisan nature of this issue and encourage a united effort to address and reduce fossil fuel subsidies.

The group said, “Like the Congressional Baseball Game, fossil fuel subsidies are a bipartisan affair,” criticizing recent legislative actions that have failed to eliminate these subsidies.

The Call For Direct Action

Source: Pinterest

Rather than going the traditional route with petitions or social media campaigns, Climate Defiance speaks about taking direct action. They believe in rolling up their sleeves and actively engaging in actions that directly address the issue at hand.

Climate Defiance is asking supporters to physically join the blockade of the Congressional Baseball Game. They want people to come together and physically show their dissent by blocking access to the game. They stress that it’ll be a powerful way for them to make their voices heard and demonstrate their strong opposition to the issues they’re fighting for.

Planned Tactics For The Protest

Source: climatedefiance/X

Climate Defiance is all about consistent, mass-turnout, nonviolent disruption. They want to shake things up and disrupt the usual business to compel politicians to take action.

Their goal is to create a powerful and undeniable force that demands change. By mobilizing a large number of people in a peaceful and impactful way, they hope to make a lasting impact on the political landscape.

Climate Defiance is All About Peace

Source: climatedefiance/X

They emphasize a peaceful approach in their tactics. They believe in making a strong statement and effecting change through nonviolent means. Their goal is to create a peaceful yet powerful disruption that compels politicians to take action.

They said, “We’ve never blocked roads (no shade to those who do). We’ve never targeted artwork. What we do, and what we do very well, is take the fight directly to the people in power.”

Goals Of The Protest

Source: Pinterest

Climate Defiance has explicitly stated its protest goals. They are focused on demanding action from politicians and pushing for meaningful change in addressing climate issues.

Their protests aim to raise awareness, disrupt the status quo, and compel politicians to take immediate and effective action to combat climate change. “We make their lives MISERABLE until they relent.” They want their voices to be heard loud and clear, and they’re determined to make a difference.

The Scheduled Time and Date For The Protest

Source: climatedefiance/X

The protest organized by Climate Defiance is scheduled to take place during the Congressional Baseball Game on June 12, 2024, at 5 p.m. The location of the game is Nationals Park.
Climate Defiance is hoping that this event will generate a lot of attention for their cause.

They want to
shine a spotlight
on environmental issues and put pressure on legislators to take action. By making a big statement during the Congressional Baseball Game, they aim to raise awareness and push for meaningful legislative changes.

About The Congressional Baseball Game

Source: Pinterest

The Congressional Baseball Game is an annual event where members of Congress from both political parties come together to play a friendly baseball game.

It is a tradition that dates back to the early 1900s and serves as a way for politicians to build camaraderie and raise money for charity. It’s a fun and lighthearted event that brings people together through the spirit of sportsmanship.