Thursday, July 4, 2024
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“It’s Time We Put a Felon in the House,” California Sheriff Drums Support for Trump

“It’s Time We Put a Felon in the House,” California Sheriff Drums Support for Trump
Source: Pinterest

“It’s Time We Put a Felon in the House,” California Sheriff Drums Support for Trump

Source: Pinterest

Recently, Riverside County, California, Sheriff Chad Bianco posted a footage with his personal account on Instagram. He makes his case for voting for Donald Trump in Fall during the clip.

Additionally, Bianco voices shock over the Californian administration’s lenient behavior toward lawbreakers, which he believes makes it more difficult for individuals to do their duties.

The Clip

Source: sheriffbianco/Instagram

During the footage’s opening moments, Bianco presented his qualifications and introduced himself to the general community.

In his remarks to the state, he reaffirmed his 30-year commitment to neighborhood security through the arrest, incarceration of offenders.

Critiquing Everybody

Critiquing Everybody

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Seated inside what appears to be a police car while dressed in uniform, Bianco explains the issues he faces dealing with the governor, the administration, as well as everybody else regarding criminality.

Bianco attacked the state parliament including the governor of the state, claiming that their diplomatic approaches to criminals’ stem from the idea that offenders are social sufferers rather than accountable for what they have done. This perspective, he continued, transfers the guilt to the government, corporations, the community, or perhaps onto him.

Regarding the Governor

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He hits out at Governor Newsom’s initiatives even though he concedes that a significant number of individuals share the fault for all the issues they are currently facing.

Over the past five years, Bianco claimed, he became extremely critical concerning the Governor’s decisions to close penal facilities, cut resources for corrections, and release inmates prematurely.

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Holding the Government Liable

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Bianco explains in his clip the issue he encounters regarding the legislative body of the Golden State. He argues that it has contributed to the increase in crime that numerous people have noticed in certain parts throughout the territory.

The parliament, according to Bianco, has come under fire for enacting legislation that makes it more difficult to detain persons and for altering regulations that permit quick discharge of convicts. The attorney general’s apparent lack of concern regarding criminality was another thing he complained of.


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Bianco further criticizes the notion that the police is racially discriminatory or a component of a racist structure, arguing that the people who receive prejudiced handling are those considered offenders.

Bianco vented his annoyance, saying that after being released from jail, the government gives the inmates cash, meals, lodging, substances, and booze. He acknowledged that he was growing weary of this strategy.

Donald Trump

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When discussing Trump, Bianco uses a caustic language to imply that he has changed sides and is going to back someone with a criminal conviction for presidency.

Bianco said it could be necessary to install a felon inside the White House rather than freeing inmates and giving them substances, booze, along with other forms of assistance.

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The Level of Criminality

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A data report published in October by the Public Policy Institute of California states that there has been a rise in dangerous and other sorts of criminal activity in the past several years.

Comparing California’s brutal criminal behavior before COVID-19, there has been a rise of 13%. Along with incidents involving firearms, burglaries are additionally on the rise.

Hope and Belief

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Before concluding the footage, Bianco states again how much he believes Trump can turn America around from the issues he has highlighted.

In closing, Bianco declared that he would vote for Trump during the presidential election of 2024 and urged the populace to rescue the nation and restore America’s greatness.

Californian Advocates

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Allies of the officer expressed agreement with what he said in the responses, calling him bold to put out such footage.

One supporter appreciated him for the video. They also complained about California’s low regard among neighboring states. They further concluded by saying it was time to place a felon in the White House.

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Elevated Anticipations

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Some comments were so moved by the content that they demanded that he take charge as governor. Bianco was reportedly thinking about running for governorship in 2026, according to The Press-Enterprise.

A disappointed responder said they were expecting Bianco to declare for the governor’s office. One person casually said, “Bianco for Governor.”

Unintelligent Opinions

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Bianco’s video did not exactly win over some of those who commented, who felt that his views lacked fundamental comprehension.

Commenting on his ignorance along with white privilege, an opponent asserted that institutional prejudice is a serious problem. They questioned when America was ever great for anyone other than white people, casting doubt on the notion of making it great once more. The commentator called him ignorant and said he should learn the truth about what actually occurs.

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