Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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California Leader Opposes New Funding Plan for Migrants

California Leader Opposes New Funding Plan for Migrants

California Leader Opposes New Funding Plan for Migrants

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The migrant crisis in the US is escalating, and every state in the country has been busy trying to address the issue as humanely as possible. It is a costly endeavor; already, millions of dollars have been spent, and in San Diego, more is about to be allocated to the migrants. 

Supervisor Jim Desmond comes from San Diego County and is unhappy about how things are going. He was against the plan to spend over $19 million on a new migrant and asylum-seeker transit center, but that did not stop the funding from getting approval. As far as Desmond is concerned, the money they are about to spend is a short fix and will not solve the issue in the long run. 

How the Money Will be Spent

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The funding, approved in a 4-1 vote, will aid the provision of crucial amenities, including shelter, food, transportation, medical care, and labor. This will support migrants transitioning out of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) custody

They are Running Out of Temporary Solutions

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Last year, $3 million was allocated twice, once in October and again in December, to create a temporary refuge for the migrants. They quickly burned through those funds, forcing the board to devise a better strategy to sustain the crisis until it ends. 

What Desmond Thinks

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Desmond has been quite vocal about his stance on this matter. In a recent interview, he stated that the money they are about to throw at the crisis will not solve any problems. Instead, Desmond thinks the focus should be on keeping the border secure. 

The Migrants Keep Pouring In

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This migrant crisis started a long time ago, but the flow of migrants into the country has barely slowed down. Since October 1, at least 214,855 individuals, all from different countries, have been caught. It is proof that this crisis may not end anytime soon, at least not until there is a change in government. 

The Border Patrol Officials are Kept Busy

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In one week alone, authorities detained up to 9000 migrants trying to get into the country, and among them were over 200 minors who made the journey unsupervised but somehow managed to survive the ordeal. 

The Danger of Narcotics

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Due to the migration crisis, the border patrol has been very busy this year. Not only do they have to detain those trying to get in, but they also have the extra task of making sure nobody smuggles in narcotics amid the chaos. The same week they intercepted 9000 migrants, the authorities also found and confiscated vast amounts of drugs. There have also been cases of human smuggling and firearms trading. 

Misplaced Priorities

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As far as Desmond is concerned, federal funding allocated to “concierge services” for migrants is a misplaced priority, especially when the border is not very secure right now. He thinks it would be best to divert the funds to safety rather than temporary shelters and whatnot. 

What Desmond Said About California

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California is known for its sanctuary policies, but Desmond is not fond of them either. He says rather than helping, they complicate matters further, making it harder for federal immigration authorities to coordinate and severely undermining border security. Desmond does not see how such policies can effectively control and protect the border. 

It’s About Humanity

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Board Chairperson Nora Vargas disagrees with Desmond’s train of thought. According to her, the federal funding that was recently approved is an attempt to help the migrants maintain their dignity while providing humane assistance. She is convinced this is what the migrants need, and giving it to them is the most humane thing that can be done. 

Safety for All

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Supervisor Joel Anderson agrees with Vargas. He co-sponsored the proposal because he believes that the funding could help prevent migrants from being exploited and living on the streets. He is also convinced that the move would ensure the safety of the asylum-seekers and the country’s citizens. 

San Diego Residents are Divided

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It is a divisive time in America, and many people have different opinions about what is happening. That divisiveness is evident among the residents of San Diego, with some sharing Desmond’s sentiments and others thinking like Vargas and Anderson. At any rate, the proposal has been approved, and now all that is left to do is see what comes of it.