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California Couple Quit Teaching Jobs to Start Anti-Woke Christian School

California Couple Quit Teaching Jobs to Start Anti-Woke Christian School
Source: X/KaliFontanilla

California Couple Quit Teaching Jobs to Start Anti-Woke Christian School

Source: X/KaliFontanilla

What can make a couple from California who have spent many years teaching children quit their jobs and open their own anti-woke school? Here’s the story of Kali and Joshua Fontanilla.

The Christian Couple

Source: X/KaliFontanilla

Kali and Joshua Fontanilla are a Christian couple who worked for several years as teachers to young children in California. However, both Christian teachers had an epiphany that led to them quitting their jobs in 2021. They also didn’t stop there. The couple decided to open their very own school, where they believe children will be properly educated and protected from the ‘woke’ agenda in public schools.

Quitting Their Job

Source: X/KaliFontanilla

For many years, Kali and Joshua Fontanilla taught English to middle and high schoolers in the Salinas district of the Golden State. However, the Washington Post reports that a year after the COVID-19 pandemic, the pair decided to quit their jobs and create their own schools to protect children from ideologies that they believed were extreme left-leaning propaganda.

Kali and Joshua Are Mixed But Do Not Support the BLM Movement

Source: Pinterest

Kali and her husband Joshua are both mixed-race and have Puerto Rican and Mexican descent. Surprisingly, both are against the “Black Lives Matter” movement. They admitted to disappointment when the government closed schools during the pandemic and also as many people supported the BLM movement that they think is “false and hateful.” They also believe that America is not systematically like history lessons paint it to be.

Kali‘s Resignation Letter

Source: X/KaliFontanilla

The summer of 2021 marked the turning point for the couple as they both resigned from their jobs. Kali’s resignation reads thus, “If the district continues to move forward with all these divisive teachings, it will only harden the hearts of many of our students.” She continued, “I have decided to resign from the district, which is the only reason I feel brave enough to speak out without fear of repercussions.”

The Californian Couple Found a Christian School

Source: Pinterest

The couple quit their jobs, but they already had a plan in motion. Not long after they both quit, they moved to Florida. Their mission in the new state was to start afresh and develop a Christian school. Therefore, the Exodus Institute was born in an attempt to fight against “indoctrination, not education.” It is also important to note that this is an online school.

Why Florida?

Source: Pinterest

It was no surprise that Kali and Joshua moved to Florida. This is because they saw the Sunshine State as a sort of safe haven for people with similar beliefs. Governor Ron DeSantis has laws such as “Don’t Say Gay” in place to prevent teachers from teaching about LGBTQ+ topics in schools. Therefore, this is the type of community the Christian couple thrives.

Their Plan to Unmask the Woke Lies

Source: X/KaliFontanilla

Since its start, Kali and Joshua’s school has grown to over 200 students with many programs for each child. Their online school has a strong online presence thanks to Kali’s active social media accounts. One of their programs is titled the “Young Patriots Academy,” and it aims to unmask “the ‘woke’ lies taught at most public schools,” according to their website.

Kali‘s Class on the History of Quakers

Source: Pinterest

The Washington Post was privy to one of their virtual classes, as Kali taught her students about the Quakers and how white members of the religious group tried to revolt against slavery. The Christian teacher said, “Whenever you learn history, it’s important to learn the full context of it.” Her audience is mainly young Americans whose parents also share Kali’s beliefs.

Quakers Risked Prison Time

Source: Pinterest

While teaching her students about the Quakers, Kali told her students that many of its members risked prison time by helping those who were enslaved. Furthermore, she pointed out that this proves that there were bad and good people in American history. Therefore, she also believes that focusing on only the negative is what public schools do, making it totally wrong.

Kali Says There Are Two Sides of American History

Source: X/KaliFontanilla

Kali continues her lesson, saying, “There are certain people that are saying, ‘Oh, White people owe Black people for slavery.’” She added, “But what about the White people who were descendants of the Quakers, who actually had a lot of negative consequences that happened to them for helping free the slaves?”

Inevitable Backlash

Source: X/KaliFontanilla

As expected, not everyone agrees with Kali’s teachings. Although her Instagram account alone has grown to over 330,000 followers, there are many people who criticize her a lot. One user on Instagram wrote under Kali’s post, “RACIST, ONE SIDED, WHITEWASHED OPINION.” Another commented, “No one [is] impressed by the trash you are trying to sell,” per The Washington Post.

Christian School Still Running

Source: X/KaliFontanilla

The Christian couple might be receiving a lot of backlash, but they do not mind it. Instead, they remain committed to running their online school in the Sunshine State. A recent Instagram post from them reiterates this point, reading, “Welcome to Exodus Institute, a pro-America online school for parents who are tired of the failing/leftist brainwashing public educational system.”