Satan clubs are becoming more common daily, much to the dismay of many. Early in December, Chimneyrock Elementary School in Cordova, Tennessee, made the news when the Satanic Temple announced plans to host its first After School Satan Club (ASSC) there.
Before this, a school district was in a legal battle with The Satanic Temple for a while. The association sued the district in Pennsylvania after claiming that they discriminated against students by barring one of the group’s After School Satan clubs from using a school building earlier in 2023. Eventually, the district and the group settled in court, and now they allow the satanic clubs.
Still, in 2023, elementary schools in Virginia, California, and Massachusetts also hosted “Satan Clubs,” leading to concerns by parents. The most recent addition to this already long list is Olathe Northwest High School in the suburbs of Kansas City.
According to Fox 4 Kansas City, the school approved the establishment of a Satan Worship/Satan Templist Club. This comes from a federal law called the Equal Access Act. This law prohibits public schools from discriminating against a student-initiated group based on a philosophical or religious message.
ALSO READ: Christian Conservatives Attack Satanic Church Over After-School Satan Clubs and Pagan Statues
Therefore, the school cannot legally stop them from creating this satanic group because of their religious orientation. Before forming any group, the students must take a couple of steps. First, at least ten students interested in developing the group must sign the application.
Second, they need additional signatures from a student representative and faculty supervisor. Furthermore, the would-be leaders of the club would make a presentation to administrators about what the group would bring to the high school.
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The students involved knew these steps and followed them one by one. So, the school had no choice but to give them the green light. However, many students and parents disagreed with this decision.
As soon as the school announced its decision, several students complained to their teachers and amongst themselves. A concerned student, Drew McDonald, also created an online petition called “Stop The Satan Worship Club at Olathe Northwest” in early December.
In the petition post, McDonald wrote, “This deeply troubles me and many others in our community as we believe that schools should be places of education and growth, not platforms for satanic indoctrination or controversial practices.”
ALSO READ: DeSantis to Support Legal Fees of Man Charged With Beheading Iowa Capitol’s Satanic Temple Statue
Many parents are also very concerned about this new group. As most people know, satanic groups have a lot of uncouth practices which scare most people. Some of their practices include things like the blood of animals, hairs, fire, and even human blood sometimes.
Therefore, people generally frown upon satanic groups because of these rituals and practices. The parents are also concerned about the safety of their children in such groups. However, it doesn’t seem like the school can do much about it. The federal law is similar to an “all or nothing” rule where the school accepts all or no religious clubs.
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