As the elections come closer, all eyes are on the top contenders for the White House. It is not only Americans anticipating the outcome of the elections; the entire world is. According to a new survey, about two-thirds of Canadians are worried that U.S. democracy will not survive another term if former President Donald Trump wins at the polls.

According to a poll by the Angus Reid Institute, 64 percent of Canadians strongly agreed or agreed that the U.S. democracy would not survive four more years if Trump returned to the White House. Also, the same survey showed that almost 50 percent of Canadians agreed that the United States is “on the way to becoming an authoritarian state” as the election draws closer.
Additionally, 62 percent of the Canadians surveyed said that conditions in the U.S. would deteriorate if Trump wins the election again in November. In contrast, only 19 percent had such sentiment about Democratic President Joe Biden.
Furthermore, the Canadians also pointed out concerns about inadequate safeguards in place to prevent fraud and other irregularities in the coming elections. Sixty-one percent indicated that they have no confidence at all or just some confidence that the U.S. elections have enough measures to prevent any interference in this year’s election.
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“As observers cast their gaze toward November and the electoral contest to come, Canadians join many Americans in worrying about election security. Just 12 per cent of Canadians say they have full confidence that elections will be safe and secure, while twice as many (23%) say they have no confidence at all. Another two-in-five have doubts (38%), with 27 per cent also saying they’re more confident than not,” the data read.
“Among those who lack confidence, half (49%) say both Republican and Democratic states are a source of concern, while the rest are twice as likely to say they’re primarily worried about Red States (34%) rather than Blue ones (17%).”
Also, almost half of the respondents were concerned that there would likely be some sort of cheating in both Republican-led and Democrat-led states. More so, 64 percent of the respondents considered Biden a better option for a more stable U.S.-Canada relationship than Trump.
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Over 50 percent of the Canadians who participated in the survey said that the Canadian economy stands a better chance if Biden wins. However, almost 30 percent said it would not matter if either of them won at the November polls.
According to the poll, 37 percent said that conservative Canadians are more likely to believe that the economy would do better if Donald Trump wins. Most of the liberal respondents, however, said that Biden would be more beneficial for the economy.
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So far, the 2024 American Presidential election looks like it might be a repeat of the 2020 polls. Joe Biden and Donald Trump remain the most likely candidates for their parties.
The Angus Reid Institute poll was conducted from Jan. 9 to Jan. 11. More than 1,500 Canadian adults participated in the survey. Also, it had a 2 percentage point margin of error.
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