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HomeNewsSamuel Alito’s Absence From the Supreme Court Raises Eyebrows

Samuel Alito’s Absence From the Supreme Court Raises Eyebrows

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The recent absence of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito from the bench has intrigued scholars of constitutional law and others who follow the workings of the nation’s highest court. 

A picture of Samuel Alito
Source: Pinterest

The Justice has absented himself from so many high-profile cases that many people did not know what might have befallen him.

No Official Explanation Provided

However, despite several calls made by the press and the public insisting on the reason for Alito’s absence, the Supreme Court has declined to comment.

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A picture of Samuel Alito's statue
Source: Pinterest

This lack of transparency has not only contributed to the Process of his disappearance but has fed it as well.

Delay in Court

As for the Supreme Court’s cases, it may be even more aggravating since Justice Alito is known to keep a tight schedule. Also, his absence might further congest the calendar.

A picture of the Supreme Court
Source: Pinterest

People complain that the Court is trying to rush into making judgments before the end of the term. Also, without Alito there it is said that the term will be over in July to deal with all cases that have not been determined.

Concerns About Health

Some have opined that Alito’s possible absence might result from health issues due to his age and other reported justices’ illnesses in the court. 

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A picture of Samuel Alito
Source: Pinterest

Nevertheless, it has not been confirmed officially and the Office of the Justice has not reported his condition at all.

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Impact on Court Proceedings

Alito’s absence is very important in the court process in several ways. His chair is still vacant during the oral arguments, and his fellow justices are left bereft of his contribution to the case. 

A picture of a court room
Source: Pinterest

This may affect the final verdicts and judgments made by the court of law.

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Impact on Cases

How Justice Alito’s absence has affected the high-profile cases the Court has handled. One can see from some cases that involve immigration, health care, and religious liberty. Surely, his contribution would have most probably influenced these cases and his nonavailability was a void within case decisions.

A picture representation of court ruling
Source: Pinterest

Some of the high-profile matters that seek to define whether individuals such as former President Donald Trump enjoy immunity from prosecution are yet to be determined by the Court. Because it is uncertain that Alito’s absence will influence some of these derived choices, the outcomes are a little more unpredictable.

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Controversy Over Flag 

Judge Alito has been under fire for refusing to recuse himself from cases involving Trump even after flags resembling those flown by Capitol rioters were discovered at his home. 

A picture of Capitol rioters flag
Source: Pinterest

Alito reportedly claimed that his wife Martha-Ann, who flew an “Appeal to Heaven” and an upside-down U.S. flag at their residences, was responsible for the flags’ existence.

Historical Context

Alito is currently the most senior justice on the current court after being nominated to the court by President George W. Bush in 2006. 

A picture of the Supreme Court
Source: Pinterest

This can be regarded as a precedent in the Supreme Court practice. It is known that the absence of the justices rarely lasts long and is observed only several times in history.

Speculation About Potential Replacements

There is always the question of whether a permanent replacement will be sought for Alito. Or whether one of the lower court Justices will be transferred up to fill the seat on an acting basis. 

A picture of a court room
Source: Pinterest

Although the specific name of the person has not been named. But they have been recommended as the possible replacement to take his place.

Uncertainty and Instability

While it is still early in the term, the unpredictability of Alito’s absence has introduced a threatening element to the court experience. 

A picture of Samuel Alito
Source: Pinterest

A justice is missing and judges are struggling on their own with multiple intricate cases. This causes certain doubts as to whether the work of the court is set to remain stable and uninterrupted.

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Calls for Transparency

It is because of this absence that pressure is being applied to the Supreme Court. Asking the court to become more specific in explaining how it handles its work and arrives at certain decisions. 

A picture of Samuel Alito
Source: Pinterest

It is reasonable to state that numerous people think that citizens have a right to know everything happening behind the scenes.

Emphasis Transcends to Senate Confirmation Process

Attention is now turning to that seat in the Senate. This is regarding potential replacements or nominees due to Alito’s seat currently being open. 

A picture representation of the senate
Source: Pinterest

Unfortunately, the process must be done in the background of bargaining. Also, reconciling the self-serving interests of the chamber and the political regime.

A Wait-and-See Approach

Justice Alito’s absence is significant to the cases and the functioning of the Supreme Court, more than one could think. His absence disrupts the Court’s balance; the verdicts may shift in some trials, especially those with fierce contentiousness.

A picture of Samuel Alito and Trump
Source: Pinterest

However, spectators will just sit and wait for other events related to Alito’s absence. And also a possible candidate for his replacement. This is one of the key structural entities that define democracy in America. The Supreme Court will remain an area of interest to law practitioners and individuals in society.

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