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New Map Shows Which US States Are Growing and Shrinking the Hardest

New Map Shows Which US States Are Growing and Shrinking the Hardest

New Map Shows Which US States Are Growing and Shrinking the Hardest

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A new map with exciting details is now making its way around the Internet. It contains data that depicts states that have seen rapid population growth and decline. The map is proof of the migratory patterns witnessed in the United States in the past couple of years. 

Migratory Patterns Revealed

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The new map gathered the population of the country’s states for four years starting from April 2020. A quick look at the map will show that some places saw an influx of many people in those years, while some states didn’t see anyone moving in but rather moving away for various reasons. 

Migration and the Pandemic

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Migration experts were very interested in knowing if some of the migratory trends from the pandemic would continue even after the world moved on. Thanks to the map, they now know that trends are back to how they were before the pandemic blew across the globe, primarily due to the number of annual deaths declining in 2022.

How the People Moved

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The map proves that many people have changed locations, but curiously, states with the biggest population increase have only become that way over the past two years. In the past year alone, many people moved between states even more than they did in the earlier years.

What State Grew the Most?

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According to the map, Texas grew the most, with as many as 470,000 people moving there between 2022 and 2023. This is why Texas takes the top spot for the fastest-growing state, and experts believe it will maintain this lead unless something unprecedented happens. 

The Red State has Over 30 Million People

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Texas is conservative, but that has not stopped people from moving there. In fact, there has been a massive influx of new faces, and now, more than 30 million people reside there. One demography expert, Dudley Poston, expects the states’ population to keep growing and estimates it may reach 50 million by 2050.

One County is Also Growing Fast

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Unsurprisingly, the fastest-growing county is also in Texas. The map claims that Kaufman County is located outside Dallas. Its population rose by about 7.5%, more than other counties in the country could ever hope to pull. 

Florida Follows Closely Behind Texas

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Texas has seen unprecedented population growth, but it isn’t the only state in the country to witness such a surge. Many people, especially retirees, have also moved to Florida, making the state the second fastest-growing. Florida’s population has risen significantly, with over 300,000 people moving in, and analysts believe it will only keep attracting people. 

Other States Attracting People

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It is true that Texas and Florida have seen more migrations, but growth is not restricted to just them. I. Interestingly, many of the other areas that experienced an influx of people were located in the South. North Carolina and Georgia follow closely behind Texas and Florida, with population increases of about 100,000, respectively. 

Not All States Witnessed a Surge in Population

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While states like Texas are growing by leaps and bounds, other states have seen their residents move away for one reason or another. New York, the concrete jungle of America, is one of those states that lost the most population, with as many as 100,000 people moving away. Similarly, California lost over 70,000. 

The Logic Behind The Migration

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There are many reasons why people may have chosen to move away from their previous states. Some claim it may be because they wanted an area where housing may be cheaper. Others think the mass migration may have been triggered by lower taxes, better job opportunities, and lower cost of living in those areas. Poston, a demography expert in Texas, is one of those who believes this. He has pointed out that the state and Florida have many of the benefits that California and New York don’t.

Politics May Not be Involved

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Many politicians believe this mass migration is a reaction to a political change. However, according to Poston, there is no data to back this up. As far as he is concerned, politics does not often play a role in migration movements. Poston says if this were true, the migratory movement would be more about people in conservative states moving to more liberal states.