Saturday, October 5, 2024
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You Can’t Keep These Animals as Pets in the US

You Can’t Keep These Animals as Pets in the US

You Can’t Keep These animals As Pets in the US

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If many animal lovers had their way, they would rear as many species as possible. Unfortunately, many animals simply aren’t safe or ethical to keep. Below are examples of animals you can’t keep as pets in the U.S.

Big Cats

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All big cats, such as lions, leopards, tigers, and other large felines, can not be kept as pets in America. Raising a large predator like them would come with many health and safety risks, and these animals can be extremely difficult to care for properly.


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Reports claim monkeys can be legally kept as pets in some states. However, just because it is allowed does not mean they should be. Primates are highly intelligent creatures who have a wide range of physical, social, and emotional needs. As such, primate ownership is largely discouraged among experts.


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Nobody is allowed to own all species of bears in America. Bears are powerful animals that can pose a deadly threat to humans, and their size and strength make them very difficult to care for ethically. It is best to leave them in zoos and the wild, where they can be observed from safe distances.

Wolves and Wolf Hybrids

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Many people love wolves, and who can blame them, they have an uncanny resemblance to our canine friends. But unlike domesticated dogs, wolves can be incredibly unpredictable and dangerous. They also have many additional needs that can be difficult to cater to. As such, there are many laws prohibiting the ownership of wolves and wolf hybrids.

Venomous Reptiles

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Many species of reptiles can be kept as pets. However, that list does not include venomous reptiles. The ownership of venomous species of snakes, lizards, and other reptiles is restricted or prohibited in numerous states.

Certain Bird Species

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Many exotic bird species, such as some kinds of eagles and parrots, are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. This Act restricts the ownership of some endangered and native bird species for the protection of biodiversity.


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It will come as no surprise that crocodiles, alligators, and caimans cannot be kept as pets in the U.S. They are very powerful creatures and have caused the deaths of thousands of humans.

Endangered Species

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The Endangered Species Act prohibits the ownership of endangered animals to support biodiversity and the protection of animals. This means animals such as red pandas, sea turtles, and snow leopards cannot be legally kept as pets.

Certain Rodents

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Some rodents face heavy ownership restrictions due to their specialized needs and potential for zoonotic diseases. Good examples include the African giant pouched rat and capybaras.

Marine Mammals

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Marine mammals can be very difficult to care for, even in zoos designed specifically to meet their needs. Because of this, species such as dolphins, seals, and whales are under the protection of the Marine Mammal Protection Act, which prohibits individuals from owning them as pets.

Non-Native Invasive Species

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Many non-native invasive species cannot be legally owned in the U.S. When non-native species make their way into the wild, they can disrupt the environment’s ecological balance and cause harm to other native species.

Certain Exotic Cats

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As earlier stated, big cats are unsafe to keep as pets, but you may not have considered that smaller types of exotic cats also come with great risks. Species like servals and caracals have specialized needs and can be dangerous both to humans and other domestic animals. Because of this, the ownership of these animals is illegal in many states.


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Bats look simple and harmless, but they actually play an incredibly important role in our ecosystems. They can also carry dangerous diseases, such as rabies. Because of these reasons, bats cannot legally be kept as pets.


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They have a very unpleasant odor, but the adorable charm of skunks misleads many Americans, making them want to consider keeping them as pets. However, reports claim that several states prohibit the keeping of skunks because they can carry rabies. They also have many specialized needs that can be difficult to meet in a domestic setting.