Saturday, September 7, 2024
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These are the Fastest Declining American States in Terms of Population 

These are the Fastest Declining American States in Terms of Population 
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These are the Fastest Declining American States in Terms of Population

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Since the pandemic, there has been a huge shift in population in various states. Here are some of them and why their population is declining so fast.

The Pandemic Shift

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According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the COVID-19 pandemic era in 2020 and 2021 recorded a historically low change in state-to-state migration. However, in 2022, it increased by 0.4%. However, some states are still experiencing a decline in their population as their residents move to other places. In total, 15 states are affected, and their declines have different reasons. 

The Fastest 15 States

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The fifteen states that will be mentioned in this article are based on Census Data. They are ranked in descending order according to the 2022 National and State Population Estimates. Furthermore, these estimates show the differences in numbers between 2022 and 2021, comparing the data to that of the previous years. In addition, the dwindling numbers are shown in numbers and percentages for further clarification.

New York

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New York is number one on the list of states experiencing mass exodus. The state “where dreams are made” has been experiencing a reduction in its resident population as people regularly complain about its high cost of living, crime rate, “lawlessness, and protests in transit hubs.” According to Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis, most law-abiding citizens are “sick and tired” of the situation and the state’s politicians’ response to their worries.


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Illinois and Louisiana are tired at the top two spots. In Illinois, the population rate dropped by 0.8%, and in 2023, a study shows that 32,826 fewer people were living in the state compared to 2022. Sources claim that the reason for this decline is purely domestic migration. Therefore, this also keeps the narrow margins between births and deaths higher and international migrants constant.


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Like Illinois, Louisiana reported a 0.8% population change between 2021 and 2022. Allison Plyer, the chief demographer at The Data Center in New Orleans, has attributed two major causes to this change. This includes a negative net domestic migration and the state’s high mortality rate. She also explained that Louisiana has been battling this since 2016.

West Virginia

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West Virginia is also among the top five states affected by this population decline. Between 2021 and 2022, the state experienced a 0.6% drop in its population, the seventh-highest drop in the country at the time. According to reports, the constant drop in this state is due to its high mentality rate, just like Louisiana. The number of deaths also outweighs the number of net migrations into the state.


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The tropical state is number five on the list of states experiencing population decline. The Aloha state has lost about 0.5% of its population. In 2021, the state had a population of 1,447,154, but this decreased to 1,440,196 in 2022. The reason for this decline is slow economic growth while the cost of housing and living continues to increase.

The Middle 5 States

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The next five states also experiencing the decline in order are California, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, and Oregon. The first four states are quite similar, experiencing a decline of 0.3% across all boards. Oregon on the other hand has a higher percentage of 0.4% with a numerical value of 16,164. California’s population decrease had a numerical value of 113,649.

The Bottom 5 States

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The next five states that are affected by this decrease in population are Ohio, Alaska, Massachusetts, New Mexico, and Maryland. They were ranked in the bottom 15 of the fastest-declining states. New Mexico and Maryland saw a 0.2% drop in the number of residents, while Ohio, Alaska, and Massachusetts only saw a 0.1% decrease. Therefore, their population is relatively stable for now.

Population Boom in Some States

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While some states are declining in population, others are experiencing booming growth. The southern region of the country has been the fastest-growing regarding population. Thanks to net international migration, the south had a huge 1,282,675 new residents in 2022 and a positive net domestic migration of 867,935. The west also experienced growth, with 153,601 residents.

Growth in Texas and Florida

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Texas and Florida are the two states that experienced the most growth between 2021 and 2022. Texas was the first, with 470,707 residents added to its already great population of over 30 million. Coming in at a close second was Florida, and the Sunshine State saw an infra with 416,754 residents, an increase of 1.9% overall. In this case, it was a result of net migration.

Declining Regions and States

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As many people may have noticed, the declining regions are the Northeast and Midwest parts of the country. Their decline is mausoleum affected by people leaving those locations domestically. However, another significant factor is the natural decrease as the number of births in those areas is less than deaths. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are constantly decreasing in population.