Saturday, September 7, 2024
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“A Disgusting Insult!” Christians Fume as Biden Makes Sign of the Cross at an Abortion Rally

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“A Disgusting Insult!” Christians Fume as Biden Makes Sign of the Cross at an Abortion Rally

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President Biden caused a stir at a rally in Tampa, Florida, when he made the Sign of the Cross while discussing recent abortion legislation changes.
This event took place as Nikki Fried, Florida Democratic Party Chairwoman, was criticizing Governor Ron DeSantis’s move from a 15-week to a six-week abortion ban.

Biden Provoked the Church

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Biden was listening to pro-abortion remarks by Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried when he made the sign of the cross, a gesture that outraged the faithful because of the timing of his reaction and the nature of the Tampa rally.

“We come back here to the state of Florida, where Ron DeSantis felt like he needed to run for president, so 15 weeks wasn’t good enough,” Fried, a former 2022 Florida gubernatorial candidate, said, referring to Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Sunshine State’s abortion ban. “We had to go for six weeks.” As Fried spoke, Biden made the traditionally pious gesture.

The Significance of the Gesture

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During his appearance, Biden touched his forehead, chest, and shoulders to make the Sign of the Cross.
This gesture, rooted in Christian tradition since at least the third century, is typically a sign of purity and blessing. As a result, its use at a political rally discussing abortion policies drew immediate backlash from some Christian groups.

Religious and Political Intersection

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The response from religious communities was swift and severe.
Brian Burch, president of CatholicVote, said, “Biden’s use of the Sign of the Cross in support of abortion is a disgusting insult towards all Christians, but especially of Catholics whom he claims as his own.”

Reaction from CatholicVote

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Brian Burch further criticized the president’s actions. He said, “The Sign of the Cross is a sacred gesture used by believers to bless themselves, ask forgiveness, or to protect them from temptation.
Instead, Biden has turned this ancient Christian practice into an endorsement of abortion extremism.”

Biden's Faith and Public Policy

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Biden has openly aligned himself with the Catholic faith during his presidential campaigns, declaring his devotion.
However, his public support for policies that contradict the Catholic Church’s teachings has been controversial. This incident at the rally highlights the ongoing conflict between his religious declarations and his political actions.

Bishop’s Commentary

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Bishop Robert Gruss of the Diocese of Saginaw shared his thoughts on the matter.
He said, “I don’t have any anger towards the president. I feel sorry for him. I’m not angry at him, he’s just stupid,” he told reporters. He clarified that his use of “stupid” referred not to intelligence but to a misunderstanding of Catholic doctrines.

Faith Voters and Political Implications

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As elections approach, the implications of such actions are significant.
Burch emphasized the political stakes involved, stating, “No Catholic, regardless of their position on abortion, can support this grotesque abuse of religious piety. Voters of faith need to wake up and understand what is at stake this November.”

Local Church Leaders Respond

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The Diocese of St. Petersburg, under Bishop Gregory Parkes, confirmed their stance on abortion following the rally.
A spokesperson stated, “Bishop Gregory Parkes consistently teaches about the Catholic Church’s position on abortion.” This reaffirms the local clergy’s commitment to established church teachings in the face of political controversies.

The Debate Around Amendment Four

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In Florida, the debate intensifies with the proposal of Amendment Four, which aims to protect abortion rights until viability.
This legislative change is supported by pro-choice groups but faces strong opposition from religious leaders who see it as a moral and ethical issue.

Florida Bishops' Collective Statement

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The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops released a statement urging opposition to Amendment Four, emphasizing the protection of “the weakest, most innocent, and defenseless of human life among us.”
They argue that the amendment would legalize late-term abortions, which they strongly oppose.

Public and Church Reactions

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The incident and its aftermath have sparked widespread discussion among the public and church communities.
Many have taken to social media and other platforms to express their views on Biden’s actions, reflecting a broader discourse on the role of religion in American politics.

Aftermath of the Rally

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As the dust settles, the incident remains a topic of heated debate.
Biden’s gesture at the rally encapsulates the ongoing struggle between upholding personal beliefs and in the context of the American political landscape.