Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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Delta Flight Removes Passengers for Not Adhering to Dress Code

Delta Flight Removes Passengers for Not Adhering to Dress Code
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Delta Flight Removes Passengers for Not Adhering to Dress Code

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A passenger on Delta Airlines has come forward to share her experience on a recent flight. According to her, she was embarrassed because she did not wear a bra. 

Women Complain About Delta Airlines

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A woman has recently shared a story about her experience with Delta Airlines while on a flight. This was a really embarrassing story as she was asked to leave the flight for not wearing an undergarment, a bra. However, she is not the only victim. Many women have also come forward with similar embarrassing stories.

The New Rules

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The issue in question is a new dress code by the airline. Therefore, it was shocking as flight attendants stopped women from flying for allegedly not wearing something like a bra. As many women have come with similar stories, people are starting to wonder why they are targeting them unfairly. One woman claims that the airline treated her in an uncomfortable and embarrassing manner.

Women Are Being Humiliated By the Airline

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Lisa Archbold is one of the victims of this unfair treatment and has been bold enough to come forward with her story. She said that she was called out for not wearing a bra during her flight in January. Archbold said she felt like a “spectacle” as all eyes were on her as they escorted her off the plane. What was she wearing? A white t-shirt and blue jeans.

Delta’s Conduct Rules

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Delta released a new set of rules on March 12, 2024 that govern the code of conduct and dressing for passengers. In terms of a dress code, the airline does require that the passengers wear shoes and says they may be removed for being barefoot. The rule also states a passenger may be refused transportation, when “conduct, attire, hygiene or odor creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers”.

You Can Get Kicked Off a Delta Flight

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From the new conduct and dress codes, a passenger can be kicked off the flight for violating any of their rules and not complying with their carriage terms. However, it seems as though they are outlining a specific dress code that is only targeting women. Several women have complained but the men haven’t been put in such situations.

A Very Specific Code

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The new dress code is very specific. However, the question remains: how does a woman not wearing a bra pose a reasonable risk to passengers?

Archbold Getting Kicked Off Her Flight

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Archbold’s embarrassing moment happened shortly after she boarded her flight at the Salt Lake City Airport. She felt targeted, harassed, and humiliated by the Delta staff when the entire scenario played out. According to her, the entire plane was seated before a flight attendant approached her and asked to speak to her privately about her dressing.

Archbold Told to Cover Up

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Archbold noted that she was escorted off the plane, and a gate agent told her that her outfit was “offensive or revealing.” Keep in mind that the outfit in question was a plain white T-shirt with blue jeans. She was also informed that they would allow her to board if she put another shirt over the one she was wearing, as it would make it less offensive or inappropriate.

Male Passengers Are Not Treated the Same

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Like most of the women who have complained about this treatment, Archbold notes that men weren’t held to the same standards when they boarded their flights. A man could wear a worn-through or see-through t-shirt on a flight, but no one bats an eye. So, women are starting to wonder if they are being targeted by the airline.

Archbold Was Not a Safety Risk

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According to Archbold’s representative, Gloria Allred, the airline’s dress code simply stated that only guests who present a clear safety risk can be removed. Did Archbold really pose such a great risk for being braless?
“I felt it was a spectacle aimed at punishing me for not being a woman in the way she thought I should be a woman as she scolded me outside of the plane,” she said.

Flying in Comfort

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Most of the women who were victims to this unfair treatment have noted that they didn’t wear bras for the sole purpose of comfort. Everyone knows that flights can be quite uncomfortable and people like to dress down to minimize discomfort. Therefore, undergarments like bras can be constricting and women will rather be free.

No Lawsuit in View

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Although Archbold felt like the airline attached a “scarlet letter” to her, she doesn’t have any plans to sue them. Instead, she is requesting a sit-down meeting with the president of Delta Airlines. She hopes to clarify the policies with the president and narrate her experience, making sure other women never have to go through such humiliation again.